Chapter 101 - Danger

Sam sighed in relief when he saw the plant was ok. He carefully picked up the plant and put it in his inventory. Now it was time to go back.

He went back towards the cave. A few minutes later, he finally reaches the cave. He saw all of them were clearing the dead bodies of the monsters.

"So, they already killed all the monsters? Well nice," he thought while walking in the cave. 

"Sam, here!!" Jeni called to him while waving her hand after she found him. 

"Done with your work?" She asked him. These few days, Sam continuously goes somewhere for some time. She didn't question him about this. Because everyone has their own secret. 

"Yes," Sam said smilingly. It thrilled him that he found a rare plant. 

"Well, let's go. We found a secret in this cave," she whispered to him. She doesn't want anyone to hear them.