Chapter 106 - Ready to fight

Sam once again looks at the life detector. After carefully looking at the detector, he can tell that those weren't monsters but humans. They were approaching the cave. 

Sam, with his telepathy, told everyone that some humans were approaching their cave. They should be too ready to fight when those humans come here.

A few minutes later, 

You can hear footsteps. They were getting closer and closer. 

"Leader, is this the cave which our boss is talking about?" Sam and they hear this. They saw 10 warriors that entered the cave. Suddenly, one warrior asked the warrior who was in the front. You can tell he was the leader of this team. They were all wearing some kind of green bodysuit and mask. Just looking at them, you can tell they weren't from the warrior association. Then who were they? Why did they come here? And who is the boss they were talking about? These are some questions that Sam was thinking about.