Chapter 117 - The incoming Danger.

Now, many warriors are panicking. When they know that Miss Maria and the others won't be able to fight the summoned monster, they begin to panic. 

Seeing the situation getting worse, Alexa came forward and told them, " All of you stop panicking. Didn't you hear the Saints will come here, so why are you all panicking? Did you think our Saints would get defeated by that monster? So, stop panicking, it only makes the situation worse. You all should be ashamed of your behavior. Even knowing that the Saints will come here, you all are still panicking and making the situation worse."

Hearing Alexa's words, you can say all the students who were panicking calmed down and thought clearly. Why are they panicking? The saints will be here. They didn't need to worry about the monster. 

"Well done Alexa. You easily solved the situation." Jeni said to her. Which Alexa responded with a smile.