Chapter 125 - Interview

"I like to ask all the students about their feelings when they face a monster, who is many times stronger than him/her," One reporter said.

"When I faced the monster, I felt like I was in front of an enormous wall. I would never cross the wall. And when the monster stared at you still like he was staring at your soul. It will take your wheel power to maintain a clear head at that time." Tony said that. The other students just nodded. They also agreed with Tony. 

"Miss Alexa, how are you after not getting the no1 position?" Someone asked Alexa.

"Well, to tell you the truth, if it was before I would be very mad, but now I know that the person who gets the first position is qualified to become the number one. I don't know how much you see in the broadcast or on TV, but we all see him fighting the monster and I think every student here will agree that he has the power to become the number one," Alexa replied.