Chapter 131 - Graduation ceremony 

" Ok, see you later, teacher," 

After saying that, Sam left the office room. He was now searching for a less crowded place. He knows the place with less crowd. It was the rooftop of this school building. Today, most of the students were on the ground floor, so the rooftop should be less crowded. 

Sam doesn't know when the principal will give his speech, so to pass his time, he approaches the rooftop. He can also wait on the ground like other students, but there he will feel uncomfortable. 

He saw how the other students were scared of him, so he wanted to avoid those students. It wasn't like he had any friends. 

He approached the rooftop. As he guessed, the rooftop was empty. This was his favorite place in school because from here he could see the full view of the school.