Chapter 135 - New technique and Second exam.  

He once again uses his foot technique with his maximum speed and an inhuman speed he came to the area where the wolf was standing before. Previously, this area was filled with trees and the ground was flat ground. But, now he can't see any trees and a big hole in the ground. He doesn't need to guess. This all happened because of the mega fireball. Sam got sure that the wolf was dead. 

He turned around and looked in those warriors' direction. He saw those warriors looking at him with a shocking expression. They were shocked after seeing the power of the mega fireball. 

Sam didn't mind them and looked at the destructive ground. He was looking for the loot. After looking for some time, he finally found the loot. He found a technique book, 10 crystals, and some materials. He quickly collected them and left the place. Because he felt those warriors were approaching his direction.