Chapter 188 - 2nd floor

Sam, and the others, with teacher Nitin and teacher Samantha, enter the dungeon. Only they were the early D-grade warriors, and they will go to the 2nd floor directly. But, the teleportation device still wasn't open to the public, and Sam and the others won't be able to use it. So, they needed to go to the 2nd floor by walking. 

Sam's classmates and the other 1st year students already were on the first floor with those other four teachers. Those four teachers will protect them. Because of this, Nitin and Samantha go with them to the 2nd floor. 

While they enter the dungeon, Nitin and Samantha are released from their aura. So that those peak E-grade monsters won't come closer to them. In this way, they can quickly reach the second floor. Sam and the other students followed them silently. All of them wanted to reach the second floor quickly so that they could also fight. 

3 hours later,