Chapter 237 - Intermediate D-grade 

Central city, Royal Academy,

Currently, Sam is meditating in his training room. Two days ago he came back from the Dungeon. After that, he took a rest the next day and today he came to the college. Right now, his only focus was to absorb all those spirit crystals and then increase the spirit status to its limit. 

"Name: Sam Kainer

Health: (880/880)

Strength: 90

Agility: 90

Physique: 90

Intelligent(mental power): 90

Spirit: 90

Grade: (D) (early)

Potential: Rare

Upgrade point: 1.1 m (You can upgrade the system.) "

After looking at his status, Sam finally smiles. Finally, he could try to break through. But before that, he needs to eat something. So he left that training room and right now he was going toward the cafeteria. Today you can say that he was alone because his friends were busy. They still did not come back from the Dungeon. Because of this, he was now alone.
