Chapter 327 - Desert Dungeon (2)

Currently Sam was facining sand Golems at the same time. This time he did not attack them from close distance because after killing 5 of those golems the remaining columns become very alert and right now they are trying their best to kill him. But fortunately Sam was maintaining the distance between him and those Golems. Because of this, their sand attack is also unable to hit him. 

As you know, the attack range of those sand golems was 1 km. Right now, he was using his night to kill those Golems. Because of his spiritual energy and strength, the power behind the arrow also increases. One after another he shot 5 arrows that directly went toward one sand Golems. One after another those arrows break the defense of the sand golem and finally destroy the core of that sand Golem. One more thing was that he wasn't using his spirit arrows. This time he wanted to rely on his normal arrows while also using his spirit technique.