Chapter 329 - Clue about the culprit

"Did anyone find anything?" Alena asked this. Gloria, Alena, and the others already come back from the dungeon. This day in the Dungeon for 15 days and after that they came back from the dungeon. The good thing was that Gloria already progressed in her grade. As you know, Gloria already became an intermediate C-grade Warrior before the annual college competition, but that time she did not get that many crystals to improve her grade. 

Alena, Maria and Aria were right now in the warrior association. You can say that three of them were friends, because of this three of them decided to investigate this matter. Maria and Aria know that Alena was very angry because someone poisoned her student previously and that could be threatening for him. Fortunately he was able to wake up from his coma, so because of this all of them wanted to find that culprit and kill that person.