Chapter 399 - Surprised king

6 days later,

In the barrel land you can see that a person was running after those flame Bulls. Most likely those bulls were afraid of that person and because of this they tried to escape from that person. But unfortunately suddenly they stopped moving, and at this time that person got close to them. Wasting no time he quickly swung his sword toward those Bulls. 

As you can tell, it was Sam who was killing those Bulls. For 6 days he was spending his time while killing those Monsters in this better land and in the forest. Today was the last day he will kill those monsters because he also needed to go back to the city tomorrow to submit the mission. 

"Name: Sam Kainer

Race: Human 

Health: (12100/12100)

Spiritual energy: (12000/12000)

Strength: 1200

Agility: 1198

Physique: 1210

Intelligent(mental power): 1170

Spirit: 1200

Status points:- 500