Chapter 424 - Small monsters?

At this time If you look at Sam then you can see that he was using his full strength to go toward that place. Using his concealment technique he already left the kingdom and already came to the danger zone. 

It almost takes him 1 hour to reach that place. At first, if you look around that way then you will find that everything was normal. Not far away from him, you can also see many monsters also roaming around that place. 

So in one word, everything seems normal but then the green bot was showing in that place. 

'Finally found it.'

He began to search for the cave where he previously spent his night. Fortunately, it did not take him that much time to search for that place. After going inside the cave he first checked the cave very carefully. 

But unfortunately, he did not find anything except a small bird. It looked like an owl that was inside the cave and looking outside of the cave.