Chapter 764 - Modifying the Teleportation array

Sam has already begun to modify the teleportation array. That teleportation array currently has five different arrays. Sam started modifying the first which is the array to select location.

Unfortunately, even after coming back from the Earth, the Warriors upgraded that array but it still did not have the ability to reach all over Eden Blue. The range of that array is limited.

Sam is currently modifying that array as he will be increasing the range of that array to the whole Eden blue. Not only that, the mandatory teleportation range would be the stronghold. He registered in every one of those places where you can say those strongholds are present.

All this time he is fully focused on modifying the symbol that he completely forgot about time and he is spiritual energy. This is also a side effect of his focus but fortunately this time he did not need to use that much spiritual energy to modify the first array.