
The environment has become so eerie that it is hard to comprehend

The way the situation has turned out has taken him by surprise.

Once more, his eyes were drawn to the picture of the crater on the television. It all started when that meteor hit.

Once again, he peered out the window and saw that people were wandering around like zombies.

After looking at the corpse of the girl lying on the floor, he reached out to pick it up. He then went back to the window and threw it from the tenth floor.


A group of people wandering on the ground rushed towards the body as soon as it hit the ground.

An unforgettable event unfolded in front of him as those people ripped apart the girl's body.

It's not the first time he's seen violence, but he's never seen it quite like this, where someone is eaten, in such a manner.

After returning to his seat, he sat on the couch, leaning his back against the backrest, and stared at the ceiling.

Now, the question is what to do. In this world, there is only one person he cares about, and he hasn't talked to her for almost two years.

At the time, his situation led him to decide to be apart from her. The only thing he knows is that she is now living happily with another man.

She lives quite far away, in a different city. It will be pretty difficult to reach that city now with everything in such disarray.

He could see that the electric supply was still on, but he wasn't sure how long it would be.

As he shook his head, he got up and went to the kitchen to see what supplies he had. With the food he had, he concluded he could survive for at most a week.

When he returned, he checked the condition of the girl's corpse through the window. Upon glance, he saw the skeleton of the girl lying in the middle of the bloody pool.

But he observed something else. More people were walking on the street than he had seen in the afternoon, and they weren't running that fast. If one of this undead came at him, he could easily avoid it.

As he sat on the couch, a part of his mind was telling him to go to that city to see how the girl was, and another part of his brain was telling him to leave since she had left him when he was in need.

Shaking his head, he went back to bed and closed his eyes.

His mind was filled with memories of the times she was with him.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stood up. He decided to meet her. Although he has a fleeting feeling that something has happened to that girl, he will believe nothing until he has seen her for himself.

He pulled out his phone and dialed her number. The phone rang, but he could not hear her response. He tried again, but nothing happened.

With a sigh of disappointment, he took a deep breath to calm his fast-beating heart.

Having pulled the backpack from its compartment, he went to the kitchen to store the food items, such as biscuits and canned goods.

A few minutes after he had stored the food, he went back to the room and got the SMG he had along with the magazines and pistols, and put them all into the bag. He only kept one magazine in his pocket.

Then, he changed into full sleeves and gloves, leaving no exposed skin. He looked into the mirror and saw himself.

Except for his face, no part of his body was exposed. His height was quite impressive. Besides his long, black hair, he has hazel eyes and a handsome face.

As he glanced at the clock, it was almost 6 in the morning.

Picking up the car keys, wearing the backpack, and holding the gun in one hand, he slowly opened the door and peered out toward the corridor.

There was a deadly silence. He could hear the faint growls of the undead coming from the adjacent apartments.

Then he glanced at his gun, which was equipped with a silencer.

To avoid attracting the undead, he took the stairs, since the elevator would be noisy.

Coming closer to the stairs, he looked down to see that it was empty.

His steps were slow as he made his descent down the stairs. Other than the growling of the undead, everything was quiet.

The moment he reached the fifth floor, he found himself relaxed, since he had encountered no one on the way.

His eye, however, caught a glimpse of the undead walking along the corridor. Having hesitated for some time, he decided to shoot him.


With noise, the zombie's body fell to the ground with a hole in its forehead.

'FUCK', he muttered and decided to go down quickly before more undead were attracted to this sound.

His heart skipped a beat when a girl suddenly opened the door, peeked toward the fallen undead, then glanced towards him.

In one hand, she held a baseball bat covered in blood.

As tears streamed down her face, she pleaded, "Please take me with you."