Chapter 5

This morning Sara had made a trip to the hypermarket to buy the ingredients needed for a little surprise for her girl and also to welcome the arrival of Dylan later.

There was crabstick in her favorite little pony lunchbox and on top of the simple dish of stir-fried cabbage and teriyaki chicken, Sara had also prepared herbal lemon rice. She hoped this would attract Hanie's appetite; because her little girl did not like plain white rice.

She placed the lunchbox on the kitchen counter and turned to lookout at the window, it's almost eight am and the sun quickly has gone down, the sky turns dark, it will be heavy rain soon. She thought of asking for a ride from Stefan to the hospital since they're going to meet Dylan halfway as well, so why not.

Back to the counter she picks up her phone and called Stefan, only at six rings then the other line got answered, "Stefan, hi? It's me, Sara."

It was quiet for a few moments, and Stefan response as if whispering softly, "Sara? Why are you calling me early in the morning? Something happened to Hanie?"

Oh, so I can only call him when something happens.

"Nothing happens, all is fine. I thought if you could pick me up to the hospital?" Before Sara could get any replies, she heard a familiar female voice calling out for her former husband and that feeling stings her stomach and throat.

"Hey love, my darling! Told you, you won't regret it for yesterday night. It was awesome happening party! I love you, Stefan, thank you for everything."

"Please, could you be silent for a minute, I'm talking on the phone." Stefan yelled to that female. "Ah, Sara, I don't think I'm passing by your area, or perhaps I can ask my driver to pick you up."

"Is that Tiffany?" Silence from the other side. "It's fine, Stefan. I can go on my own. Have fun with her." Sara ends the call and quickly switch off her phone, feeling frustrated; she felt dizzy and light headed, she held her chest as the sudden pain appears.

She tries to breath in and out but nothing works out, she felt so weak that her hands roam over the counters for support but accidentally push off the lunchbox off the counter, the contents of the bento lunch box which she had spent so much time preparing lay strewn over the kitchen floor.

Sara felt her heart beat a little faster and her forehead prick with sweat. Oh god, why was it getting harder to breathe. Her hands trembled and she tried to move her feet's but she stumbling backward and falling back hitting her head first on the floor, and black out.


Dr. Wang runs some tests on Hanie before she's hooked up for her grueling two hours chemotherapy session, followed by the nauseous and throwing up again.

Stefan truly hates seeing his baby girl sick. When the session finally done, they both managed to do some coloring while waiting for the arrival of Sara and Dylan.

"Hello my honey (Hanie) how are you feeling now?" Dr. Wang returned with a smile on his handsome face.

"Umm.. Very pain... Hanie don't like." Hanie replied with a shrug as she pouted, a habit she picked up from her mama.

"Well, baby girl, how would you feel if, I told you that this will be the last time you will be in this room? Are you happy?"

"Really? Yay! Daddy can I go home and play at the playground?" She literally screams and she asked if she's able to be home sooner and hang around the kids' corner. Her reaction got her daddy, Dr. Wang and another Nurse beside Hanie, shocked. Hanie's behavior became cheery and lively.

Dr. Wang turns to Stefan. "Sir, we are going to replace Hanie's bone marrow and stem cells in her body. It's just going to be a little procedure to make her completely healthy again." Dr. Wang says.

"I have discussed with the team and I thought we could go ahead and do the transplant as soon as possible."

"You mean you found a match for my girl? She has a donor and can get the transplant soon?" Stefan asked with tears burning in his eyes.

"We found a match. Yes, just two days back we've got the results. It is the perfect match for your child, the blood type and everything. I would say it's rare to found a match in such a short time but Hanie is very blessed to receive this miracle." Dr. Wang explained with a soft smile.

"Thank God. Baby, you have a donor. You're going to get better and you're going to be healthy again." Stefan says to his girl as he immediately picked her up and squeeze her in his arms and pecks her cheek, left and right.

Hanie wraps her arms around her daddy but only for a short while before she suddenly started to crying out for her mummy.

"Anyway, Sara will be coming over soon? I need her signature for consent before we process to the next step and to discussed further details together with the donor."

"Oh right, I can't get through her since morning. But I will bring her to your office once she's here."

Stefan carefully passes over Hanie back to the Nurses arms and he tried to called Sara again. However, no response from the other side and straight to voicemail. Its already noon passed three, and usually Sara is the first to arrive.

Then they heard a knock on the door. Dr. Wang welcomes the person who he has been waiting for. "Oh, welcome, Sir! The donor has finally arrived."

Stefan turned his back and he is truly speechless that the donor is actually, Dylan. His own brother, of all people went for the test, his brother is the perfect match for his daughter. He ran to him and engulfed him in a hug. Dylan happily returned the hug back. How many years since Stefan last saw him? Because of Hanie, his brother finally came back home. Fate brings them back together.

Just hours ago, in the afternoon he received good news about Hanie's upcoming treatment, but the girl kept crying and crying for her mummy and this makes him frustrated with Sara. Might be because Sara heard of Tiffany voice and she got mad or because he didn't pick up Sara from home?


Exactly in the evening after six, Stefan received a call from a crying Hailey, telling him that Sara is found unconscious in her home and is now in the hospital nearby her estate.

Stefan hurriedly reversed his car into the parking lot, his breathing almost erratic with the mounting anxiety and his heart was immersed in unbearable fear. The time on his watch read seven fifteen pm.

When Stefan and Dylan walked along the corridor towards Sara observation room, he sensed something was not right but he could not point out anything yet. Then he saw two familiar figures outside the room. "What exactly happened?" Stefan calmly asked. "Why are you crying on the phone?"

"Sara is fine. I'm crying because it's the first time I saw her looking so lifeless. I got scared of course." Hailey said while looking down trying not to rolled her eyes towards the male.

"When we found her, she looks so pale. Her lips turn blue and a bento lunchbox Sara prepared for Hanie is all over the floor." Minho speaks up and Stefan only send deep glares to the male, controlling himself trying not to cause a problem.

Hailey saw the situation and quickly intervene again. She reached out her hands to grab Jungkook palms and pleaded with the man,

"Please, you have to convince Sara to stay for another night. She is so weak but she is really stubborn. She wanted to leave right away but Doctors inside are still trying to speak to her."

For a moment, Jungkook felt as if his air supply had been cut off. So, he got it all wrong? Sara had actually prepared a meal for their precious daughter and yet he accused her of being ignorant for not coming to the hospital.

He stepped into the room and saw Sara sitting on edge of the bed crying and begging to the Doctor to be discharged but her expressions change when her gaze falls on him. Definitely Stefan's heart filled with so many emotions while locking eyes into hers.

"I thought you say you have no time to pick me up? So, what are you doing here? Go back to Tiffany, just leave please." Sara said and choked on her sobs while wiping her tears.

"That's for me to decide whether I will leave or not. Now your daughter needs you by her side and here you are asking me to leave? By the way, Dr, what's wrong with her? Can she leave already?"

Stefan asked and sounded a little pretty pissed off with Sara's attitude. Then there was a short silence, each of them staring at each other, figuring out what to say next.

"Actually, I've done some test on Ms. Sara earlier and.. She's fine. Her body is exhausted which caused her to passed out. She needs proper rest, that's all." After which the Dr. being understanding by excusing himself and made his way out.

"Told you I can take care of myself." Sara said as she knew Stefan must've something to say, but she couldn't listen to any of it.

"I know you can take care of yourself. Just like how you have single handedly taking care of Hanie by yourself for the past five years. But look what happen?" Stefan left the room right after with unsatisfied feelings.

"My fault." Sara guiltily said and placed her palms on her forehead. "I can only blame myself for what happened to my daughter. She was my responsibility and I wasn't paying attention to her health and then it happened."

Dylan was beyond shocking witnessing their situation, it supposed to be a happy occasion because finally Hanie found a donor, but an argument arises with unsettled feelings from both sides. He approached her and repeatedly apologizing to Sara who is looking very pale as if all her energy has drained out; he embraced Sara's tiny body frame into a hug as Sara cried even harder.


The rain was storming down when Stefan stepped out of the car and run towards the park and screamed out at the top of his voice. He knew he messed up. Sara already miserable enough and yet he couldn't even make it right.

"I'm so sorry! Hurting you was not my intention and I was feeling hurt myself and didn't know how to handle the situation! I'm sorry, Sara."