He cares..

Its been 2 weeks since they lived together. They get along well.Tae even catched feelings for her but chose to hide it. While Yn was feeling something else. And Tae even hired a girl who knows sign language so that he can understand Yn.

Now Tae was preparing for his next mission and packing his important stuffs which he needs for his mission. Yn knocked at his door and Tae told her to come while he slightly hides the bag which was full with guns.

Lia (her sign language translator): Sir, she wants to talk about something.

Tae: Yes.. tell me what is it?

Yn did sign language and Lia told him..

Lia: But why Yn??

Yn just asked her to told Tae who was confused af.

Tae: What is it Lia?

Lia: Uhh...Sir she said that...She can't stay with you anymore..

Tae was shocked and confused as well bcz she doesn't have any family nor any home and moreover he gave her every comfort so what can be the reason of her decision?

Tae: But why is this Yn?? Did someone told you anything??

Yn shook her head as a no and again signed to Lia.

Lia: you're not a burden you shouldn't say that Yn!

Tae: What?!!! Yn?? what is this.. how could you think like that... you're not a burden for me!!

Yn was silent for a moment.

Tae: And moreover..Do you have any home to stay?

Yn again signed to Lia.

Lia: She said She'll go to her uncle's house.

And that made Taehyung more angry. He signals Lia to go and she left after nodding. Then Tae slowly comes near Yn while She steps back.

Tae: Yn..*sigh* don't you have your self Respect? You'll leave me and will go to that fucking uncle's family who thinks of you as a burden?? And these whole freaking years they didn't even bothered to know if you're even alive or not!!

Yn was sadly pouting while listening to his every words. Tae was feeling pity for her seeing her state.

Tae: Just tell me why did you suddenly take this decision? Everything is going well.. you're happy.. I'm happy..Just..why so sudden??

Yn looked up and their eyes locked with each other. Tae started walking closer and she steps back gulping hard..and her back hits the wall while Taehyung traps her between his arms, leaning closer to her face he said..

Tae: Yn~ahh...Hajima!(don't do this) what's the problem living here? Tell me I'll definitely solve it.

Yn was looking down bcz of the distance between them was too close that if she looked up their faces will almost touch each other.

Tae slightly pulled her chin up which causes her to look at him now.

Tae: *in husky voice* You won't go anywhere and that's my fina-

Yn shuts him by putting her index finger on his mouth. She signals out of the door so that Lia can come and translate what she's trying to say...

Tae: You can lie..but your eyes can't. I can clearly see sadness...

Tae sighed and called Lia again. Yn signed her and Lia said..

Lia: She said.. She wants to be a independent woman and she had already many favours from you so she doesn't wants to bother you more..she wants to take her responsibilities herself and wants to take care of herself.

Tae: So that's the case?..

Yn nodded.

Tae: Okay i won't mind if you work and be a independent woman..even i would love and support you too..But you aren't going anywhere and that's final!!

Yn was about to ask Lia but Tae stopped her.

Tae: No means no. I don't like repeating again. You'll stay here and do whatever work you wanna do and I won't say anything in that. Did you get that?

He said in a dominant voice. Without any options left Yn nodded accepting her defeat.

After that Taehyung left from his room.

Lia: He's right Yn. When everyone refused you he was the one who gave his hand to you and now you'll left him like this? See, he don't mind if you work.. he's just concerned for you. He cares for you. I never thought a mafia could care for others..

Yn also Never thought that a stranger will treat her like his own family.

Lia: Yn~sshi I'm going for a walk. Do you wanna join?

Yn shook her head. Lia then went out..Yn was about to go but she saw a bag fully loaded with guns.

Yn (Thinking): *sigh* If you're concerned then I'm concerned too Mr.Taehyung. Again another mission...I wanna stop you but I'm no one to stop you...And you're not gonna agree to me anyways...But i Don't know why it bothers you if i leave from here...i mean it's your house, Your money, your foods, your clothes but still you want me to live here... strange...but I'm glad even though you're rich you don't buy people...you never made me uncomfortable no Matter how close you're to me...Just a minute ago when you came towards me i should've get angry but instead my heart beat started beating faster and i feel weak whenever i see you coming towards me..I don't know what's happening to me. But I'm glad you didn't stop me from working...For now I'll just work somewhere..and when i'll earn many money then I'll built an orphanage from my own money with my own will.

She smiled thinking about her dream coming true someday. Then she also went back to her room and layed down on bed. Tae was walking to his room then thought to take a look at Yn's room. He opened the door and took a sneak peek.

Tae: I thought you'll leave me...After all this years i finally found someone who is close to me...*sigh* Good night.


(on the phone)

???: Any information?

Lia: *she told everything happened today*

???: Oh..so it's confirmed that she's not only a mute girl..but she's someone special to him! Aishh...what a great news... Let's end this game Mr.Mafia.. it'll be fun when you'll see your love dying Infront of you *smirks*