
Yn was getting ready and Lia was helping her.

Lia: Come on, you have to look drop dead gorgeous so that Mr.Taehyung can't get his eyes off you *evil laugh*

Yn lightly hits her arm.

Lia: what? and don't get shy all the time..aishh..i have to give you some lessons on how to look hot.. You know I'm getting more excited than you and yeah..You HAVE to tell me what'll happen in the date, okay?

Yn nods and did "okay!"

*Meanwhile at taehyung's room*

Jk: Ahh hyung!!! wtf are you wearing??!

Suga: You're going to a date not to kill someone!

Jin: have to learn how to look deadly handsome like me.

Tae: I don't know what you guys found wrong in this suit.. it's pretty good.

Rm: Me and hobi bought you a good looking suit bcz we know you don't have much experience in dating and all.

Hobi: Yess!! Now go and wear this!

Tae: I'm the boss here but I'm feeling like y'all are behaving like boss..

Jin: Bcz we are still your hyungs!

Then Tae changed his dress into their choice suit.

Tae: Here.. happy now??

Everyone: Yes!!

Jimin: Now come with me I'll teach you how to steal a girl's heart just by looking at them..

Jk: Says the one who doesn't have a girlfriend.

Everyone laughs except Jimin.

Jimin: You lil brat.. I'll deal with you later..but for now let me tell you.

Tae: Okay...tell me.

Everyone were waiting for his lecture on how to deal with a girl.

Jimin: first of all you have to keep staring at her lovingly..then..if she gets shy then you'll get to know that you've a special affect on her. By the way where will you go??

Tae: a restaurant firstly.

Jimin: Great! So you have to pull the chair for her first then you can seat after her and she'll think of you as a gentleman.

Everyone liked his idea and agreed while nodding including Tae, who was listening very carefully.

Jimin: After that asks what's her favourite dish and order it...and during eating you have to keep flirting with giving her compliments, about her beauty, about her personality, about her voice-

Tae: She's mute.

Jimin: Ahh..i forgot sorry...and that's it when you flirt with her keep smirking and make her blush. And when she blushes you have to tell her how pretty and cute she looks..then go to a park-

Jin: To PARK jimin *windshield laugh*

RM: *face palm*

Hobi: *disgusted face*

Suga: *unbothered*

Jk: that was really very lame.

Jimin: Anyways..just make her happy and make her feel safe with her how much you care for her and be a little protective too. And after the date the final touch,sitting in a bench, a passionate kiss.

Hobi: know very much about these things..

Jimin: call me pro *smirks*

Tae: I'm already very late and I'll remember what you said and Thanks everyone.. I'm going downstairs now.

*At Yn's room*

Lia: So remember what i go he'll be waiting for you.

Yn opens the door..

Lia: All the best!! fighting!!

Yn: "fighting"

She went downstairs and saw he was already standing near the couch looking at his watch impatiently waiting for her.

She taps his shoulder and he turns around. They both were staring at each other.

Tae (thinking): i felt someone taps my shoulder so i turned around already knowing it's my Yn. But the moment i turned around my world stopped revolving. Its seems like only me and her were there. I looked at her from head to toe she was looking so so gorgeous with that Red dress. I used to see her only wearing comfortable clothes like baggy but today she was looking very different..and mesmerising.

Yn (thinking): When he turned around i was just shook seeing him with that suit..he was looking very charming..he looks handsome wearing anything but today he was looking more and more good looking..i was just lost at his beauty and staring at his face..i just wanted to stare at him like that forever..The more I'm realising my feelings the more i fall for him..


Lia: Yaah!! will they keep staring at each other like this??

Jimin: Tsk tsk i told him to make her blush but here he is the one blushing..

Jin: They are looking so good together.

Everyone there: Yeah agreed!

Jimin: We can look good together too sweetheart *he said looking at Lia*

Lia: Eww Shut up!!

Jk: *laughs* The love teacher just got rejected!

Jimin: You bunny COME HERE!!

Hearing Jimin's yelling both Yn and Tae flinched and looked upstairs.

RM: Shit..Hide hide!!

They all hided bending down.

Tae: Aishh these people..

They again looked at each other.

Yn: *smiles and signed him he's looking handsome*

Tae: I know I'm born handsome *smirks* And you're looking killer, My beautiful Yn..

Yn confidently nodded and got a bit shy when he called her "Mine" but doesnt show it.

Tae: So let's go pretty lady..

She held his arm and both sits in car. He drove to a restaurant.

*At restaurant*

Waiter: Sir, what drink you want?

Tae: you like cold coffee?

Yn: *nods*

Tae: okay then..two cold coffees.

waiter: okay sure sir.

Tae: So...first let's order and i want you to order.

Yn did simple signs "no, you order"

Tae: I'll order but tell me what you want, okay!

Tae handed her the menu and she started looking the menu.

Tae was just staring at her every moves drooling over her more and more.

Yn handed him the menu back and ticks the food she want.

Tae orders the foods and went back to his seat. As she can't talk so she texted him.

Yn: "where are we gonna go next?"

Tae: Umm...what about park?

Yn: "okay."

Tae: You know? i never believed in love at first sight but that was before i saw you *wink*

Yn: "what happened are you okay?"

Tae: I'm not okay bcz i keep falling..for you!

Yn (thinking): Oh Gosh what has gotten into him...then let me play along with him too.

Yn: "And you know? I'm never gonna play hide and seek with you"

Tae: I don't like this game but then also why though?

Yn: "Bcz finding someone like you is difficult"

Tae: Omg!! You know how to flirt too? interesting *smirks*

Yn: "well i can smirk too" *smirks*

Tae (thinking): jimin told me she'll get shy and will blush but here she's the one making me flustered..

Yn (thinking): Hehe...i knew it already so Lia told me some pick up lines too..

Yn: "you thought i can only blush by your words? then you're wrong Mr.Kim Taehyung"

Tae: That's why i like I love you!

Yn: *smiles* "love you too!!!"

(sorry everyone my exams are coming so I don't get enough time to write and I'll post late and thanks for reading my boring ff..stay safe and healthy, take care bye)