Back to normal

Jin: Calm down taehyung..

Jimin: she must be please try to understand..

everyone were trying to calm down taehyung and yn made him sit down and she sat beside him.

at last taehyung stood up angrily and everyone shuts their mouth.

Tae: I SAID SHUT UP!!! I'm calm y'all! *sigh* I'm angry on jack not lia okay!! i know she loved yn like her sister so please..but that doesn't mean i forgave Lia. Once she recovers I'll transfer her and her family far away from here so that Jerk doesn't bother her and my Yn will be safe! bcz i don't wanna risk yn's life again.

Yn stood up and stared at him with puppy eyes.

Tae: No means no this puppy eyes won't do any magic this time *cold voice*

Yn again pleaded with rubbing her hands.

Tae: NOPE and Jin and RM Hyung prepare Lia's transfer to another country and her family. Yn you are coming with me home.

Jimin: Atleast let her talk to Lia for last time..

Tae: okay.. but be quick.

Yn nodded and went to meet Lia.

Lia: Yn

Yn: "He isn't listening to me"

Lia: *smile* Its okay Yn.. you'll forever be my sister okay? and i heard that he is going to keep my family safe to another country. Yn you are such a lucky girl to have a guy like taehyung. I am wishing you guys congratulations for your wedding advanced bcz i won't be there *sad smile* but my blessings will always be with you *asks for hug*

Yn hugged her and cried. After sometime they broke the hug and bid goodbye forever.

Tae: Are you done now? let's go.

Yn didn't said anything and followed him to the car. They sat on the car and taehyung drove off.

Tae: Do u wanna go somewhere?

Yn: *no response*

Tae: Then we're going home...

They reached home and went inside.

Tae: Do u wanna watch a movie..?

Yn: *Ignores*

Taehyung was now frustrated he held her waist and turned her around when she was about to go upstairs.

Tae: Why are you ignoring me?? Huhh is it bcz of Lia??

Yn: *looks away*

Tae: know how much I'm scared to lose you so i ain't taking any risks. And about her you should be happy that she will be safe now bcz if she live here then my rival will kill her.

Yn: *looks shocked*

Tae: *sigh* Don't dare to ignore me again. *possessive tone*

Yn: *angry pout while glaring*

Tae: *chuckle* is that your angry face?? Awwww I'm afraid *giggle* then i would love to make you angry on purpose *laughs*

Yn: *sharp glares and pushes him*

Tae: Yaah yahhh!! I was joking!! *laughs*

He was about to follow Yn but his phone rings.

OTP (on the phone)

Tae: Hello hyung?

Suga: We traced their location but i guess he already knew we are going to find him so he ran away from here and this place is empty.

Tae: *smirk* bloody scaredy cat! i have a plan so you both return from there and come back.

Suga: Okay.


Man 1: Boss, now what are we gonna do they even traced our location and almost found us.

Jack: Let them find *smirk* They won't be able to find me ever.

Man 2: Now he's very alert we can't even even spy on him from a distance.

Jack: We don't need to spy. His lover will make her way towards us on her own.

Man 1: But how??

Jack: Just wait and watch.


(time skip 2 days later)

Lia already shifted and Suga and hobi also came back. Everything was back to normal but Yn was again lonely.

Yn was making dinner for her and taehyung and he was showering.

Yn: (in mind) I'm very bored now bcz taehyung even refuse to let me work strictly bcz he doesn't wanna risk my life again. And he became double protective with thousands of bodyguards around me. I just sit in this big ass house the whole day and if i say i want to go outside then boom thousands of man wearing all black escorts me to even when i want just a snack. *sigh* fuck my life. I know taehyung and other members are here for me but they are always busy in their work and now Lia is also gone. I can't even talk to any maid bcz no one understands me.. it's not their fault though..*a drop of tear fell from her cheeks*

But taehyung wipes off the drop of tear with his giant hands.

Yn: *startled* *sighs seeing it's him*

Tae: how dare there are tears instead of smile on this beautiful face?

Yn: *points at him*

Tae: Me?? Wait- what?? I can't even think of making you cry..did i have done something wrong baby?!

Yn tries to share her feeling with easy signs but he gave a confusing look.

Yn: *deep sigh*

And she again continued to cook bcz it was a waste of time to tell him.

Tae: Yn~ahh I'm really bad.. I can't even understand what my fiance is trying to tell.

Yn immediately turns to him and kept nodding no. She cupped his face and gave him a big smile assuring him he's not worthless.

Tae: *sad pout*

She pecked his pout bcz he was looking so cute.

Tae: Uhmm you naughty girl~ *kisses her*

Yn: *blushes*

And she continued to make dinner while he back hugged her.

After their night routine they layed down on bed cuddling.

Tae:(in mind) Don't worry Yn I'll learn sign language for you.. it's nothing comparing to the happiness you gave me.

Tae: *smiles* *pecks her* goodnight love.