Wedding day

Tae: Now the real countdown begins..1..2...3..


And the basement blasted...and the way Taehyung and his Team were coming out of the place after the blast was looking so much filmy...And with Taehyung's smirk..he was looking like a Hero.

After they left the area they went to their Cars and sat down feeling so much happy after their victory.

And Tae asked the bodyguards how's Yn..They said Yn already fainted thinking about them being afraid.

He nodded and told all his member and men to go back to their places cuz he wanted to be with Yn for some time and all of them were injured so he gave them day off.

All the members agreed and drove off after telling Tae to take care of him and Yn.

*After 1 week*

Jin: I don't know about others but Namjoon you better stay away from every decoration.

Jk: And you better stay away from the food stall cuz I'll be eating everything there.

Rm: yahhh.. I don't break things on my own will...

Suga: Just don't bother me there when I'm on my own space.

And here jhope and Jimin laughing their ass out hearing their bickerings.

Actually they're talking about Taehyung and Yn's wedding day which is tomorrow..And everyone is so much excited that they already started bickering with each other.

Tae: Everyone attention please!!!

They all looked at him and then Yn came with gifts for all them.

Jin: aigoo Ynnie Why are you giving us gifts on your wedding?

Tae: She brought you guys your suits for our wedding as a gift to thank how much you guys means to her.

Jhope: Omo Yn we love you soooo much!!

Jk: Ahh noonaa!!

He was about to hug her but Taehyung glared at him Yn glared him back then he looked away feeling jealous seeing them hugging.

Jk: *shows tongue to Tae* Jealous ass my noona loves me more!!

Tae: Wait you piece of shit!!

They started running around like kids while everyone sighed seeing them still acting like kids.

Suga: And who's gonna tell that Taehyung is a mafia leader who's soon to be a groom..

Yn shook her head giggling and went to the members one by one giving their suits. Jk also came running and stood waiting for his suit.

Tae: *breathing heavily* Goshh how fast you can run??..Why am i even wasting my energy on you.

he rolled his eyes and stood near Yn.

After that they all thanked her for the gift and she felt happy seeing they liked it.

Jin: But anyways..Yn be honest..You already know who's gonna look the most handsome tomorrow right??

She chuckles and pointed at him making him more confident.

Jk: Shut up i am gonna be the most handsome!

Rm: Y'all it's not yours but Taehyung's wedding!!

And they all started bickering again.. Both tae and Yn looks at each other and laughs at their childish behaviour.

*Wedding day*

Almost all the guests had arrived..Yn was still dressing up But Tae was done so he was greeting the guests. Every member also came and everyone were so happy for them.

Jimin: bro... Don't be so rough to our sister tonight *smirk*

Tae: *smirk* Don't worry about that I'll take care of it..*wink*

Jin: You guys are so nasty...

Jhope: See who's here guys!!

Lia: Heyyyyyy guysss!!

They all hugged Lia and welcomed her..After she greeted everyone she went to Taehyung.

Lia: I'm still guilty for what i did and i know you still don't trust me and i deserve it...but thanks for inviting me here.

Tae: I still haven't forgiven you for whatever reason you were doing all that but for Yn's happiness i can do anything.

Lia: *bows* Thank you..But where's Yn??

Tae: She must be in dressing room you can meet her there.

She nodded and went to dressing room.

Yn's pov:

I'm so nervous and excited at the same time...I know Taehyung will be the best life partner for me and He really does trusts and love me with the bottom of his heart and i love him more..I still can't forget the day i accidentally met him in the hospital when i was so much afraid but he entered in my life like my angel and never leaved me even with my disablity he still accepted me And not only him but all the members treated me like their sister and gave me so much love that i couldn't feel through my whole life..They just changed my way of viewing the world and gave me all the love and support that i doubt if i deserve it or not.And especially my soon to be hubby Tae..i wish i could tell him how much i love him...I still remember when i was cleaning his wardrobe and found a book where it was written "how to learn Sign language in a short time" I was so overwhelmed that i thought again what did i even do to deserve this Man I'm seriously so lucky and happy that I'll be spending my life with him and soon gonna be his Wife ..Still I'm so nervous.. I don't know why am i feeling anxious. Ig it's pretty normal for everyone to feel like this on their wedding day..?

End of pov:

Yn was still busy in her thoughts when someone knocked on the door. She opened it and Received a unbelievable surprise.

She quickly hugged Lia and she did too.

Lia: Omo Ynnieeeeee Ahhhh I missed you too much!!! Did you miss me??

Yn nodded and she was so so happy meeting her after a long time.

Yn: "Did Taehyung invited you??"

Lia: Yessss Yn i still can't believe even after i did so much bad to you he still invited me only because he wanted to see you more happy!!

Hearing this Yn felt even more happy that she almost cried.

Lia: Yahhhh!! Don't cry now or this beautiful look will be gone..OMGGG YN YOU'RE LOOKING SO PRETTY!!!!

She finally noticed her wedding gown and her appearance which made Lia scream in excitement.

Lia: *cough* I hope Mr.Taehyung doesn't lose his control tonight *smirk*

Yn became so shy hearing that and immediately hided her face.

Lia: Aishh don't hit me now.. Let's go everyone is waiting for you!!

She nodded and went along with her.