the training and the people called players

six; so I will tell you again ok jack is an Android An intelligent race capable of creating machines that can destroy planets and their abilities from one of the best races and a rare one to ok now get me down

six was hanging on a rope Hanging on a branch under a red ant hill Lily was looking at him with murderous intent in her eyes and she said; ok so what space Phoenix I know what an angel is but not the space Phoenix now tell me or be the ant food

six; space Phoenix is one of the rare Phoenix races They live in space and galaxies, the probability of the appearance of one is small, the probability of a meteor falling on you is more than the possibility of sighting one and the glass balls give You random abilities and race are ok Now I will tell you about your strength jack He can summon ancient mechanics and The Micha swordsmanship can be used too and if he doesn't like it he still can use a gun now to you miss l---no don't cut the rope Please, I am allergic to ants and bugs

Lily; ok but shorten your explanation or be ant food

six; ok Your power is to summon people from other worlds and give them legendary abilities, and if you want, you can change their race and appearance but Be wary of other game masters, not all of them are good the demon lord vil was one of the game masters Servants and a weak one too and Being a system is important. You can design your own system for your chosen one or for everyone who follows you And the last force, you can make bodies without souls. They carry out your orders, but they are limited, and not all are born without souls.

Lily was looking at him with amazement and confusion. Are the game masters who destroyed her family and her world she will take revenge and kill everyone who did this After thinking, she remembered that Jack had disappeared; jack

jack; I'm here look, sis Look what I made

jack was in a tank he built by himself and He carries a sword and a gun and bag full of bullets

Lily looked at six if looks can kill six wide killed a thousand times

six; I can make you grow more powerful I teach you how to use your energy, but it will take one of the Help three times if needed Per month don't I'm very busy, souls are waiting for me ok and I have a wife and a son too

Lily; ok But if you try to lie, being food for ants is your last concern now let's start

six; Won't you untie my chains

Lily; ok

day1 of training--- We learned how to use magic

day5 of training--- We learned Elements and which element is better against the other?

day7 of training--- We learned swordsmanship and spearmanship

day15 of training--- jack learned how to make guns and swords and Other weapons I learned how to make NPCs It was terrifying, but I succeeded in making two together who have souls the soul of one of them was a young girl from the pixie race and the other was born from the tree man race I made Both supervising the restoration of the forest

day19 of training--- We learned About other worlds and their strange logic

day23 of training--- I learned how to make a so-called game system and a game called free world online let's see The ad video I will put pictures of the war against demons and Ceylon six sed They love war

day25 of training--- the forest is looking good and six He gave me the seed of the world's tree It seems that she has grown so well that she is almost reaching the clouds the tree man and the pixie they wanted names so the tree man is oak and pixie is Ro

day29 of training--- six was helping me Publish the game Beta test so he called in some gods to help me They are nice and we quickly became friends

day30 of training--- The players will now be coming in 3 2 1 bang

player1; ti feel so real

player2; can I die in this game and how is the pain

player3; I can take off my pants best game ever

player4; look at my muscles the orcs are the beast

Thank you six for telling me they brainsick ok let's start

Before she started, someone killed someone else

the killer: no exp What about the pain

the killed man; There is a little pain, fortunately, I reduced the pain

six help me you lier they not brainsick but dead brain