A crazy encounter

Yhin Zhen stepped into his father's luxurious hotel, his father happened to be in an important meeting and wants him to handle the matters at the hotel, being the only heir to the Yhin family, it's his responsibility to look after it.

The minute he stepped foot into the hotel, everyone bowed at his prescence, Yhin Zhen kept a straight face and headed towards the elevator, all the workers bowed in respect as he walked by, no one dared look him in the face.

He got into the elevator and was taken to the eleventh floor, he glanced at his watch making sure he was still on time, the minute he stepped in, his loyal workers greeted him, leader Kang, secretary Mia and Ju Dae.

"Welcome sir." they bowed.

Yhin Zhen only gave a slight nod in response to their greetings and headed to his office, they all sat down the minute he was out of sight.


Jian finally arrived at the Yhin's hotel, breathless from all the running, she hurriedly walked in, clearly she didn't have much time to get prepared since her hair still looked a bit disheveled, she noticed in the glass mirror wall of the hotel and ran her fingers through her hair to get it arranged, looking better, she stepped into the Yhin's hotel.


Yhin Zhen was having a meeting with his three loyal workers, they listened attentively as he spoke.

"Listen good, Mr Barde has cancelled his orders and I put the blame on both of you." he gaze at leader Kang and secretary Mia who tensed up at his words.

"Clearly I kept both of you Incharge but you didn't do a good job, such shouldn't repeat itself again, we can't afford to loose more clients." he strictly said keeping his tone as cold as ice.

They nodded immediately at his words.

"Secondly, Mr Lee is bringing his associates for a meeting, I want everything to go smoothly, plus...."

Mia's phone suddenly rang interrupting Yhin Zhen, everyone's gaze fell on her and the whole place was silent, she quickly disconnected the call, one thing Yhin Zhen dislikes is getting interrupted when talking which Mia knew very well.

"S ..... sorry sir." she apologized.

Yhin Zhen ignored her and continued his discussion.

"You must make sure everyone behaves and makes no mistake, they need to see our hotel as the best there is."

They nodded in approval.

"Also I'm going to be dealing with the chairman's file so in the meantime you...."

Mia's phone unfortunately had to ring making her heart jump, before she could grab her phone to stop it, Yhin Zhen got hold of it first and threw her phone out through the window.

Everyone swallowed their gasps, no one dared say a thing and acted like nothing happened to avoid more of the young bosses wrath.

Yhin Zhen handed out files to them. "Go through this papers and send it to me on email, go through each page and don't leave a single detail, remember we have a meeting by four so I'll see you by then."

He got to his feet while they bowed at him, he walked out and the minute there wasn't any sign of him, they heaved a sigh of relief while catching their breaths like they've been holding it the whole time Yhin Zhen was here.

"He should as well tell us not to breathe again." Mia sarcastically said as she slumped on her chair.

"I've never met someone as workaholic as the young boss." Ju Dae added.

leader Kang was already going through his files.

"You guys keep talking, I'll be done with my file before four pm while you two are going to explain to boss your reasons for not finishing up the files." he walked out.

Mia and Ju Dae exchanged glances. "Leader Kang is right, I'm out." she picked up her files and hurriedly went to her seat to round it up.


Jian searched for the restaurant in the massive hotel, she pouted in annoyance, how is she going to find it in such a huge hotel?, she had Ying Yue on the phone.

"I'm at the hotel but where is the restaurant?" she asked while her eyes searched for any restaurant label in the building.

"How do I explain this, just ask one of the maids for help, tell them to direct you to the restaurant."

Jian pursed her lips. "Well okay." she disconnected the call.

Yhin Zhen happened to step out of the elevator at that exact moment, Jian was trying to drop her phone in her purse and wasn't paying attention to who was coming ahead.

They bumped into each other making her slip but before she could fall, Yhin Zhen caught her in his arms while she tightly wrapped her hands around his neck in fear to stop herself from falling.

Yhin Zhen gazed at the girl he held in his arms as she had her eyes tightly closed.

Jian's eye's slowly flutter open after realizing she wasn't falling but was in the arms of someone, her eyes widened as she found herself gazing into the most beautiful face she's ever seen.

What she wasn't expecting was for him to let go off her the next minute making her fall to the floor.

"Ow!!" she gave a short scream, then gazed at the person before her, what did he do that for?.

Yet, she couldn't stop herself from staring with infactuated eyes while batting her lashes.

never in her life has she come across someone so handsome before, he was strikingly handsome and with pretty dark brows, beautiful pair of alluring dark eyes, his skin looked flawless making her who thought had the most fairest skin jealous, his hair was dark and a strand fell at his face making him look hypnotising, his thin pink attractive lips seemed to get the ladies around tempted, his sparkling eyes remained cold and expressionless. His beauty was ethreal like he was sent down to earth to steal the spotlight, he actually looks young like her or he could be a bit older, she wondered why he looked familiar.

"You should watch were you're going next time." he sounded cold startling her, his voice was surprisingly deep, the type that would make any girl's heart sink.

She gawked at him while getting up to her feet. "Same applies to you, if you knew you were going to drop me, why catch me in the first place?"

He kept his face pockered as he gazed at her with a hand in his pocket, Jian suddenly realized how tall he was, the top of her head stopped at his shoulder, she had to look up to meet his gaze.

"This is my hotel, you have no right to speak to me in that tone!"

"So what if it is, you're not the only one who owns a hotel, besides you should treat your customers with respect and not with this arrogant attitude of yours." she shot back, Jian wasn't the type to take nonsense from anyone, she clearly had a sharp mouth.

Yhin Zhen fell speechless at her words, this is actually the first time someone has spoken back to him before, he was too stricken by it to give a reply, who on earth was this girl?!.

"You sure have the courage to talk back at me."

"Why won't I, you're not the president's son, even if you were I'd still give you the same response, I'm not like those other girls who will stand by and get insulted for no reason's at all, now if you'll excuse me, I have to meet someone."

She smiled and walked out, Yhin Zhen watch her go unable to utter a single word, where did she come from?.

Jian finally found the beautiful restaurant and her eyes scanned the area untill she caught a glimpse of a girl sitted at a corner dressed in a short red classy gown with her leg crossed over the other as she held a glass of champagne in one hand and the other held her phone.

Jian sighed and walked up to her, Ying Yue noticed her prescence and took a quick glance at her direction adjusting her glasses.

"Finally, what took you so long?" she asked while taking a sip of her drink.

Jian sat at her table facing her. "Sorry, had some crazy encounter with someone who claims to be the owner of the hotel."

Ying Yue choked on her drink at the last statement. "Wait, what did you say?"

"Don't worry about it, I already handled it."

Ying Yue gasped. "You what?!"

Jian couldn't understand why her friend was so caught up with what she said.

"What's the problem?"

"You just happened to have met Yhin Zhen, famous all star Idol."

Jian creased her brow in confusion. "Who?"

She showed Jian his picture on her phone making her eyes widen in disbelief, Ying Yue's right, he is the nation's idol, oh no!, she's said alot of things to that guy which can't be taken back.

"He just got back from the states two days ago, I can't believe you saw him, he's the reason I've been coming to this hotel so I can catch a glimpse of him but you just happened to show up at the hotel in the first time of your life and you met him." her friend exclaimed.

Jian on the other hand looked frozen, why did it have to be Yhin Zhen of all people?!