Same home, same school

Yhin Zhen's gaze landed on Jian who tensed up at the sight of him.

Well isn't this a surprise, he thought to himself while keeping his dark gaze on Jian who tries to avoid making eye contact with him.

Yhin Zhen's grandma smiled warmly at him "Meet Mr Kin and his daughter, she'll be staying with us from now on."

Yhin Zhen averted his gaze from Jian dashing a quick glance at Mr Kin who smiled at him.

"Nice meeting you sir." he said politely.

"Same here, I do hope you'll look after my daughter for me."

Yhin Zhen darted a look at Jian who tried to hide her face, funny how he finds her behavior cute.

"Yhin Zhen, can you take Jian upstairs so she can drop her bags and freshen up as well?" his grandmother said.

Yhin Zhen said nothing and turned

around. "Follow me." he walked out.

Jian still remained frozen at her seat, is she going to go with him alone?!, her father placed a hand on her shoulder jolting her back to her senses.

"What are you waiting for Jian, go with him."

She slowly got to her feet and held unto her bags trailing behind as he led her upstairs, Jian had no idea what to say to him, he probably won't ever talk to her because of how she spoke to him the other day, they walked along the hallway till they got to a door, Yhin Zhen opened it up and walked in, Jian also stepped in with her bags, the room looked so beautiful, it was painted pink, with a white king sized bed covered with a pink bedsheet, a chaise lounge was placed close to the window, a dressing table laid opposite her bed, woah, she's going to have such a big room all to herself?, She smiled not untill she met Yhin Zhen's gaze making her heart skip a beat, his gaze made her feel intimidated.

"W...what is it?" she asked.

"Who knew we would end up living in the same roof at the end." he said.

"Well, there are some things that happen even if we don't want to them to." she murmured.

"What did you say?" he heard alright but he wanted to confirm if his ears weren't decieving him.

"I said nothing."

The way he gazed at her made her feel nervous, she smiled at him.

"Um...I.....I know we didn't start of very nice at the beginning but since we're going to be living in the same roof, how about we start afresh." she said sweetly extending her hands forward at him.

"Hi, I'm Jian Kin." she said, his beautiful dark eyes gazed at her fair tender hands, then up at her.

"Just know this, stay away from me, keep your distance and most importantly, don't talk to me." his grumpy tone baffled Jian, her gaze followed him as he walked out of her room, she slowly dropped her hands.

She wondered if he ever smiles seeing how grumpy he was, well, he certainly can't be mad at her for too long, she doesn't plan on becoming his enemy at all, she rather gets on his good side than his bad side.

She stared at her room with a smile on her face, it's so pretty it made her eyes twinkle.

Yhin Zhen walked along the hallway and what she said about having a fresh start made him scoff. He certainly wants nothing to do with her but he couldn't stop himself from reminiscing on how she looked.

She had a pale and burnished complexion, her small and delicate face looked bright reminding him of the wonderful blooming of flowers, a pair of slender eyebrows looking down on sweeping velvety eyelashes, her delicate ear framed a dainty nose, her moon shadow black hair flowed across her back adding to her enticing and rapturing brown eyes, she had a small pink pouty lips and her voice was tiny and soothing.

She had a sculpted and delicate figure which was twine thin and her skin looked remarkably flawless, she was actually kinda cute, he thought nonchalantly not wanting to admit to the fact she was actually pretty.

He headed down the stairs with a hand in his pocket, it didn't take three minutes when Jian came downstairs as well, her father was all set to leave.

"I have to go now, I need to get ready for my journey tomorrow." Mr Kin said making Jian's sweet smile fade from her lips.

"You're leaving?"

"Stay and have dinner with us." Yhin Zhen's grandmother added but Mr Kin refused politely. "I wish I could but time isn't in my hands now."

He flashed a reassuring smile at Jian. "I'm not going forever, i promised I'll always call every ten minutes to check up on you okay?."

Jian forced a smile and nodded, this is the first time she's going to stay apart from her father but it was all part of growing up, she has to learn to be by herself now.

She escorted him out with Mr Yhin following the escort, she hugged him one last time and watched her father get into the car and drove off, she felt a sudden sadness but forced herself not to cry, especially not in front of Mr Yhin and his family.

They went back into the house and Mr Yhin headed upstairs.

"Won't you have dinner?" Yhin Zhen's grandmother asked.

"I'll have it later, I have some work to do." he headed upstairs after that.

Yhin Zhen laid on the couch while going through his phone, Jian wondered if he was playing a game or not which piqued her interest, she slowly sneaked behind him wanting to see what he was doing.

"Are you playing a game?" her sudden prescence startled him making him sit upright, the moment he realized she was the one, he frowned.

"What are you doing?"

She smiled innocently. "I'm just asking if you played games?"

"Did you forget my rules so easily?"

She scratched her head looking confused. "What rules?"

"Most important rule of all, don't talk to me." he got to his feet and headed upstairs feeling annoyed, Jian wondered what she did wrong this time and pouted sadly.

Yhin Zhen's grandmother didn't miss the little scene and smiled, something tells her the arrival of Jian in the Yhin's home might bring a light to the family.

She walked up to Jian. "Are you alright dear?"

Jian shook off the uneasy feeling and smiled at her. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Pay no attention to Yhin Zhen, you'll get use to his mood swings soon enough."

Jian felt comfortable with her, she seems nice.

"Come, let's have dinner."

The gluttoned Jian couldn't say no to that and happily followed her to the dinning room.


The next day, Jian got dressed for school in a ashes coloured high waist skirt which barely reached her knee, she wore her white short sleeve shirt and tuckened it under her skirt before putting on her jacket.

She packed her hair in a messy bun and wore her stockings then her white sneakers.

No matter how hard she tries she always somehow ends up being late for everything, she hurried down the stairs and being the clumsy girl that she was, she tripped along the way.

"Argh!!" expecting to fall hard on the cold floor but someone caught her arm before she could fall, she realized she wasn't falling and her eyes slowly darted open, she was pulled back by someone and ended up meeting Yhin Zhen's gaze, his angelic face was pockered as usual.

"You clumsy little fool!, don't run along the stairs like that." he said making the innocent Jian take a step back away from him, he didn't have to always sound so mean to her.

"I was in a hurry, it wasn't my intention to fall." she answered innocently but he ignored her and walked out, she pouted sadly and trailed behind watching her footstep.

Yhin Zhen's grandmother was downstairs and she smiled when Yhin Zhen and Jian came down the stairs together.

"Good morning grandmother." Yhin Zhen said and was heading out not waiting for her reply.

"Hold it there young man."

Yhin Zhen stopped at his trail, he could disobey anyone but not his grandmother.

"Won't you have breakfast?" she asked but he glanced at the time in his watch

"I'm late, I don't have time for that."

"Why not drop Jian off at school?"

He raised a brow at her indicating why should he do that?

"Incase you two haven't noticed, you're wearing the same uniform."

Jian and Yhin Zhen exchanged glances, then glanced at each other's uniform, truly, they were both dressed in the Yulin uniform.

Jian paused, does that mean she's attending the same high school with the all Star idol Yhin Zhen?!

How's that even possible?!