Lipstick problem

Jian eyed him suspiciously, maybe sitting with him was a bad idea.

Slowly, she grabbed hold of her bag and was about to get up to her feet but he stopped her blocking her path with his leg.

"Sit." he said in a commanding tone.

The whole class started whispering leaving Jian uncomfortable.

"Uhm, I'll find another seat thank you." she wanted to walk past him but he got to his feet blocking her path again.

She flinched back at his sudden move and held tighter unto her bag.

"I knew you were up to something." she gawked at him but his face remained expressionless.

"Sit, that's all I said."


He sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder, what she wasn't expecting was for him to pull her down making her sit back on the chair.

He sat as well avoiding eye contact with her, keeping his gaze locked to his book.

Jian wasn't liking the stares she got from the students but Yhin Zhen won't let her leave. Could he be doing this on purpose?

She gawked at him and rested her head on the table, there's noway he'd let her go now, why would an idol like him sit with an ordinary girl like her.

A teacher finally walked in and the whole class paid their greetings to her.

She smiled at them. "Lovely to meet you all, I'm miss Ying and I'm going to be your English teacher as well as your class teacher so I hope we can all co-operate and work together."

She was a really pretty teacher, with glasses and a dimple on both side of her cheeks making her look cute.

The boys were already drooling over her and the fact she's still single will cause a lot of distraction.

"But first I'd like to get to know my students so I'll start with a roll call."

She took out her book and started calling out the names of her students, everyone's name was mentioned including Jian's and she raised her hand to signal she was here.

The flashed her a warm smile and continued till she got to Yhin Zhen's name.

"Oh my, I see we have one of the greatest all star Idol in my class." she was surprised by it and the girls all sent seductive glances at Yhin Zhen's way.

Gosh, she wonder how he copes knowing everyone has a thing for him.

She thought curiously but shoved it off.

"Don't forget us."

The soothing voice came from the doorway and two handsome idols stepped in.

Jian's eyes widened at the sight of them and she recognized them immediately they walked in.


Those are Joo Seouk and Xie Lun, Joo Seouk the famous Idol singer as well as Xie Lun but also a dancer.

Jian nearly screamed her lungs out, she couldn't believe she was gazing at them right now, she's only ever seen them on screen but they're standing face to face with her.

In her class!!

Yhin Zhen noticed the excitement on her face and frowned. She's so happy about their prescence but didn't waste even a minute to get into a fight with him.

Miss Ying smiled at them. "More surprises."

Everyone was holding their excitement and didn't want to cause a crowd since there was a teacher in class.

They noticed Yhin Zhen and a smile formed on their lips lighting up their enchanted faces.

"Yhin Zhen."

They walked up to him, Jian froze at her seat after noticing they were standing beside her table, don't loose it Jian, control yourself, don't scream.

Yhin Zhen dropped his book and gazed at the time in his watch.

"You're 10mins late." he said.

"Joo Seouk wanted ice cream on the way here." Xie Lun pointed out nudging Joo Seouk by his elbow.

"But we're here now."

They finally noticed the timid girl who sat quietly beside Yhin Zhen and Jian felt like holding her breath to ease off her excitement.

"Oh, whose the damsel sitting next to you." Joo Seouk spoke up and Jian felt her cheeks heat up at his words.

Her?, a damsel?!, she must have heard wrong, could she?

She looked at him and met his enchanted face making her lower her head.

"I...I'm Jian."

"Nice to meet you Jian."

Jian blushed lightly jabbing her fingers together.

"Uuhhhhh you too"

Yhin Zhen rolled his eyes and held his book in his hand.

"You two should probably take your seat since the teachers here already." Yhin Zhen stated and they sat behind him.

Class started and Jian doubted if she even paid attention to it cause she never imagined sitting next to three handsome Idols, she couldn't help but steal a glance at each of them, she's only ever seen them on screen, billboards and on television too.

She's always admired how handsome they looked and sometimes found herself drooling over them, yes, that's just how bewitching they looked.

But Yhin Zhen was the top, he wasn't called an all Star idol for nothing, he's a singer, dancer, a model, an actor and even won awards for most handsome young Idol.

She's always admired him on television and meeting him sounded impossible to her back then but look now, he's right beside her, with two other handsome Idols.

She carried her book and fanned herself with it, gosh why is it suddenly so hot in class.

Or maybe it's all one big dream??, if she pinches herself would she wake up?, she bought the idea the minute it came.

She pinched herself by the arm but she felt no pain, she squeezed it tight but still felt no pain.

Huh??, so it's all a dream??!

"When you're done pinching me, be ready to give me a good explanation for that!"

Jian flinched at the sound of his voice and truly, she was actually pinching him and not herself, noticing the redness if his arm.


"S....sorry, I thought I was actually pinching myself." out of fear he might do something to her, she gently rubbed the part she pinched in his arm but he swept her hands away.

"Don't touch me." he glared at her, Jian gulped hard and moved away from him, why was he so mean to her, she didn't do it deliberately.

He doesn't have to give her such disgusting looks all the time.


Class was finally over and Jian wandered through the hallway, her phone beeped and she wasted no time answering it.

"Yes Ying Yue?"

"Guess what." her crazy bestie asked through the line and Jian was never a fan of guesses.

"You bought another million dollar car?" truly, her friend has actually been eyeing a million dollar car so that was the only best guess she could come up with.

"Yes but it's not that."

Jian pouted, clearly confused. "I won't know if you don't tell me, plus I'm not that great when it comes to guessing."

"Alright dummy, I'm coming to your school!" she exclaimed making Jian grin over the phone.

"Really Ying, you're really coming here?" she could hear the excitement in her own voice, if Ying Yue comes truly, she won't be lonely here any longer and will definitely have someone to talk to.

"Yes, my father finally approved of me, I'm not going to the states to study any longer."

"I can't wait, I'll finally have someone to talk to if you show up."

"Yes, I'll be starting tomorrow."

"Great, talk to you later then."

"See yah."

Jian grinned and immediately started watching a funny cartoon series on her phone while heading to her locker, she's always loved cartoons and was so engrossed in it to the point she even laughed on the way making the students stare at her like someone whose going crazy when suddenly_


She bumped into someone making her gain herself immediately, she actually bumped into the back of someone and her eyes widened seeing the back of his jacket was stained with her lipstick, this is bad.

The fella turned to look at her and Jian froze at her spot, wishing at that moment for the ground to swallow her whole, really now???

"Y..Yhin Zhen?"

Seeing it was her, he ignored her and walked out instead, Joo Seouk and Xie Lun although confused by Yhin Zhen's act still followed him but after giving Jian a friendly wave.

Jian waved back and felt like crying but had no tears to shed, why did you decide to watch the series while walking Jian, you've gone and outdo yourself today but he hasn't realized it yet.

If Yhin Zhen realizes she's stained his Jacket with her lipstick, he might not spare her and just when Jian thought it couldn't get worse, he was actually heading straight to class.

"Oh oh, he's heading to the class!, everyone would see the lipstick mark on his jacket, I...I have to stop him!"

with that, she scurried to class.