Touch Her and You'll Have me to Deal With!

Jian happily hopped her way down the schools hallway, just like Yhin Zhen said, she should use her own skills and ideas, she's got this.

She went straight to class to find her seat crowded, students asking for autographs from the star Idols, a lot more girls had crowded around Yhin Zhen but he only signed their autograph, not caring to give them a single glance, they tried starting up a conversation with him.

"Idol Zhen, can you please tell us the secret to your charms."

"Your charms never fade Idol Zhen."

"Thank you for the autograph, I love you!"

And more words kept coming which he only replied to with a "hmmm".

Jian had to push her way through the crowd with her small figure almost leaving her to nearly trip but she sat at her seat on time and phew!

that was a rough one.

The crowds were slowly dismissing as Joo Seouk had to coax them into leaving, it was obvious they were tired.

She brought her book out and opened up a page, not like she had any intention of reading anyways, she could at least fake it.

What she wasn't expecting was for Yhin Zhen to sign on her book, giving her his autograph, she turned to look at him with a baffled expression.

"What's this?" she asked cause she doesn't remember ever asking for his autograph.

"You're welcome." was his only reply, she placed her book on his table, why would he sigh her book?

"I never asked for your autograph!" she stated clearly and he met her gaze, her cheeks couldn't help but turn a soft shade of pink, not like she can actually help it though, his face is just too captivating, reminding her of the word 'perfection.' he might be perfection but his attitude wasn't.

"Ahh, so you're not my fan?"

Jian chose to ignore him and focus on her book, he might just annoy her the rest of the day if she answered him so best she focused on her book, or at least pretend to focus on it.

The next minute, he grabbed hold of her hand making her turn to meet his wicked gaze.

"You don't ignore me."

With that, he got to his feet, dragging Jian along with him as they stepped out of class, Joo Seouk sighed watching Yhin Zhen take the poor girl away.

"Why do I get a feeling Yhin Zhen won't leave that girl alone?' Joo Seouk asked while Xie Lun rested his legs on the desk and relaxed on his chair.

"The fun keeps on coming."

The whole class was stunned to see Yhin Zhen taking the new student away, plus he even lets the middle class girl be his seatmate, the gossip started once again.

Jian on the other hand, tried to free her hand from his grip, what is he doing and where exactly is he taking her too.

"Hey, let me go!"

Yhin Zhen didn't stop and kept taking her away, since she wouldn't stop talking, he backed the flustered Jian to the wall and trapped her there.

Jian tried to shrink against the wall as he gazed at her in a way she found hard to comprehend, maybe ignoring him wasn't the best idea but not like she's anybody important, he's the one who should actually be ignoring her right now and not the other way round.


"So are you trying to tell me." he caught her off while she blinked at him. "You're not one of my fans neither do you have a fling."

He leaned closer while she tried to keep that distance between them, what is he doing and in the hallway too, they're supposed to be in class by now.

"I'm not your fan, neither do I have a thing for you!"

He shouldn't care, but he did, it's not his business but it bothered him and he had no answers to that.

"Good, I'm glad I don't have clumsy fools as my fan, else I would have made you hate me."

"Well, you're starting to do a good job on that part, leave me alone!"

She pushed him away and ran off, he watched her go with her hair bouncing behind her as she ran off, she just told him to leave her alone, that did leave him baffled cause he was the one who normally uses that line on people.


Jian went into the girls bathroom to get changed, it was time to show off her dance moves before she gets accepted to the routine, she had already gotten dressed in a pink shirt sleeve top and blue shorts, with a pink jacket tied around her small waist.

She stepped out of the girls bathroom but wasn't expecting to trip the next second, making her stumble forward she fell hard on the floor.

"Ouch!!" she gave a short scream in pain and what came next was the giggling sound of girls.

Jian tilted her head up to look at them and in front of her stood two girls who had an evil smirk on their faces.

"You're the new student, am I right?" one of the girls asked but didn't sound pleasant at the slightest.

Another girl showed up offering Jian her hand. "Here, let me help you up."

Jian smiled at the approach of the new girl and held her hand, just as she was about getting up to her feet, the girl slid her hands off Jian's hold, Jian wasn't steady yet and fell back to the floor.

When the three girls laughed, she immediately knew what was going on and frowned but wasn't going to get into a fight with them, if she speaks now, things might end up getting worse for her and she doesn't want that.

Slowly, she got to her feet herself and wanted to walk out but they blocked her path.

"Where are you going to?"

"Stay back."

They pushed her to the wall making her slam her back against the lockers, Jian tried to keep her anger in check, who the hell are they and what did they want from her??

"Why are you staring at us like that, you slut!"

"Just hold it there." Jian spoke up leaving the girls baffled.

"Just cause I didn't say anything doesn't mean I'll take your insults, what do you want from me and who are you?"

"Keep running your little mouth and I'll..."

"Lock me in my locker?, or kick me in the bathroom, I've faced all that before so it's not a new thing, don't think threatening me will make me bow my head at you, you showed up out of nowhere and start throwing words at me, don't take me for one of this middle class who easily gets bullied okay?" Jian wasn't ready to go through another torturing experience in school, she wasn't afraid of anyone and will stand her ground if she has to.

Yhin Zhen stood at a corner, watching the scene with folded arms, Xie Lun was clearly enjoying it.

"Should have brought a popcorn for this."

Joo Seouk handed him his glass of juice.

"Use this for the meantime."

Xie Lun shrugged and took the glass, waiting to see what would happen next, Yhin Zhen didn't utter a word and his gaze was only fixated on the the clumsy Jian, who knows what he might be thinking.

"We aren't going to fall for that, it's not so easy to get a sit with Idol Zhen but you showed up out of nowhere and sat beside him, Idol Zhen has never been close to anyone but he seems to be indulged by you, what are you using on him?, why did you sit with him?!"

Jian blinked at them in surprise, oh, so this is all because she sat with Yhin Zhen??, so obsessed fans do exist.

"It was the only seat available at that moment, plus he's not complaining so why should you?, how does it business you with who Yhin Zhen sits with or not, and here I was thinking I made a grave offense."

Jian bit back, she doesn't care if they end up beating her in the end, she wasn't going to hold her words back.

Their faces turned ashen at her words, it made Jian wonder if someone ever spoke some senses into them like this.

Their faces creased into one of anger and Jian knew she wasn't going to be spared.


Jian looked away when she saw one of the girls had her hands raised, ready to slap her, she waited for the hit but nothing came, wondering what happened, she raised her head to look at her but someone stood in front of her, holding the girls hand mid air, she watched the girls as their faces drained of all colours.

He let go off their hands and turned to look at Jian, Jian's eye's widened at the sight of Yhin Zhen, she blinked at him finding it unbelievable, did he just help her??!.

"Don't you have dance routine class, go!" his cold but unremarkably pleasant voice startled her, she wanted to ask what he was doing here but left it for another day and just nodded to his words before walking away.

Yhin Zhen's gaze landed on the three girls in front of him and they immediately faked innocence.

"Idol Zhen, it's not what you...."

"If you had laid even a finger on her, the three of you would have lost your hands."

They gasped in fear hearing him speak with such an icy tone.


"Touch her, and you'll have me to deal with, that I promise." where his last words to them before he walked out, Xie Lun and Joo Seouk blatantly following him ignoring the girls as well who looked like they were nearly in tears.

That's what they get for messing with innocent Jian, but why did Yhin Zhen choose to help her and those words he uttered to the girls.

"Hey, brother Seouk." Xie Lun nudged Joo Seouk by his elbow to gain his attention.

"What is it?" he whispered.

"Brother Zhen's words earlier left me confused, did you understand it?" he whispered back.

Joo Seouk averted his gaze from Xie Lun, retracting them back at the handsome idol who walked ahead in such a domineering manner, a smile formed on his lips.

"Like you said brother, the fun just keeps coming."