School, As Usual? (Part Three)

But eventually, all good things (and, it seems, all bad ones too) must end, and apparently that eventually even applies to homeroom. After that, the rest of the day was basically spent with everyone talking about how big an idiot Brock was, and how much trouble he was in, while all the teachers sighed helplessly and gave up on telling the students to quiet down and focus.

At first, everyone assumed I was the culprit who ratted Brock out for his actions, but eventually the truth came out. Apparently, oversized Davy filed out a report over the incident with his superiors, and all hell blew up from there. Who knew park rangers were some sort of federal type police?? They're actually called "Visitor and Resource Protection Officers", and at the end of the day, they're basically federal police like the FBI.

Once Davy filed his report with his superior, they transferred it over to the enforcement division, and then all hell broke loose. Vandalism. Attempted Destruction of a Federally Protected Historic Site. Assault and battery. Attempted murder. Who knows what all poor Brock was going to end up getting charged with!!

And honestly, I think about ninety percent of the bruhaha is all because of his father. Brock's dad isn't anyone all that important really, but he's some sort of well to do car salesman or something. Every year, he donates a large sum of money in the local city and county races so he can have some influence over the local politicians who set tax rates for businesses. This year he's supporting a newcomer who promises to prorate business property, meaning his overall tax bill would change to be a fraction of what it currently is.

Needless to say, Brock's father was investing heavily into backing the new guy, but he might not be able to do that now! After all, think of what the legal fees, attorney costs, public relation costs, and all that junk is going to end up being, just to keep his son out of trouble and his family reputation intact! Brock's an asshole, but he's not as bad of a guy as it seems they're making him out to be.

The only silver lining for Brock, that I can see, is I don't think anyone is really serious about prosecuting the charges. After all, if the district attorney was going to prosecute, wouldn't they want to talk to me about what happened, before making such a big fuss out of it? Since nobody has, I'm willing to put money on the fact that the whole thing will end up being swept under the rug come December. Brock will probably plead guilty to some trivial charge – vandalism and littering for tossing trash into the pool – and end up with a few hours of community service which nobody will care if he actually serves them, or not.

Regardless of how it all plays out with Brock though; I really don't give a shit. I don't honestly think he was trying to murder me – he's not smart enough to plan for something like that, and usually murder needs to be premeditated. A charge of manslaughter might've stuck if I'd died, but I didn't. Honestly, I think assault with the intent to inflict bodily harm would probably be the most anyone could ever convict him of, and considering his age and record, it's very unlikely any sentence he did receive would be much.

Slap him on the wrist. Toss him in jail for the rest of his life. I really don't care. The only thing I really wanted was for the day to end. Being caught up in the center of the whole mess wasn't anything but a pain in the ass for me. I was truly grateful when the final bell rang at the end of the day, ending the whole mess for me, for now at least.