Setting Limits (Part One)

"So what's the rules? Limits? Restrictions?" After several minutes to compose herself, Maria was all enthusiastic business. "Any idea how long it'll last?"

"No idea," I sighed, sitting on the bed beside her. "All I know is apparently Vicky can't leave my sight, and she has to do whatever I tell her."

"And what type of dumb wish could you make, that'd have that type of effect? Think hard," Maria pressed. "If this is because of the pool, it must be because of something you really wanted!"

"I… I don't know!" Stammering, I honestly couldn't think of any 'I wish…' thoughts I've had since that moment.

"Think," Maria ordered! "What was you thinking afterwards? On the ride back to school?"

"After?" Blinking stupidly, I tried to remember exactly what I was thinking at the time. "When I first flipped and landed in the pool," I assured Maria, "I wasn't thinking about Vicky at all. I was too pissed at Brock, and daydreaming about a dozen burly men humping him up the ass. I just wanted him to pay for being such an ass!"

"If he ends up going to jail, that might still happen," Maria frowned, looking worried. "Keep going. What were you thinking when Davy told us that story about the caverns?"

"Honestly, I was kinda hoping it might be real," I admitted. I'd never confess that to anyone else, but I don't hide anything from Maria. She's the only person I refuse to keep secrets from. "I remember thinking, 'If it is real, then I'd love to be able to travel back and forth to one of those other worlds with magic and dragons, elves and princesses, and such.' Of course," I shrugged, "nothing like that's happened, yet."

"Yet might be the keyword there," Maria frowned. "There may be some sort of rules, or requirements, to do something like that."

"And, of course," I shrugged, "it might just be that there's no world like that out there, so it's an impossible wish."

"Maybe," Maria agreed. "We'll put a thumbtack in it, and come back to the idea later. Keep going. When could you have been thinking about Vicky? On the ride back, on the bus?"

"Well sure, I guess," I admitted, shrugging. "After all, she was sitting right there, across from us, in that little damn cheerleader outfit. Like most guys probably would, I daydreamed about spending all night with her, and being able to do anything I wanted to her. She was basically masturbatory dominance fodder for my imagination."

"And now she appears by your side as soon as it gets dark, and she can't refuse anything you tell her?" Frowning, Maria looked as if she still could barely believe it. Hell! I knew exactly how she felt — I still barely believed it either!

Both of us sat there side-by-side together, lost in our own thoughts and concerns, until Maria finally spoke up. "Give her to me," she first demanded, before almost instantly relenting. "No. No. No…. I don't mean for you to give her to me," Maria backpedaled. "I just mean for you to tell her to listen to me and obey me. You can stay as the big boss," Maria assured me, "but make me your second-in-command with her."

"Sure," I said, half-laughing. Seeing Maria as flustered as she was, was a complete relief for my overstressed nerves. At least I wasn't alone! "Vicky," I ordered, "you're going to listen to Maria and obey her, doing anything she tells you, second only to my own orders."

Waiting a few moments, nothing in the world seemed to change. Shrugging, I finally told Maria, "That's that, I guess. I suppose it's up to you to test it now, I guess. I don't have a clue how any of this works," I apologized, feeling completely foolish.

"Ummm…. So what should I tell her?" Staring over at me, Maria blinked just as self-consciously as I had been. It's odd to think you have a human as a puppet in your hands. "Wake up," Maria finally demanded.

But, it wasn't very effective! Nothing changed. Nothing happened. Vicky continued to sleep happily; perfectly content to lay naked and curled up completely uncovered on the cold, hard floor.

"It might not work, since I was the one who told her to sleep," I offered, completely uncertain. "Tell her to do something else," I suggested.

"Fine," Maria agreed. "Vicky," she ordered, "roll onto your back and spread your legs into a wide M."

"Pervert!" Laughing, I couldn't help but call Maria by what she's all-so-often called me.

"Oh shut up," Maria mumbled, blushing furiously. "I needed something visible to test her with!" Even as she was talking, Vicky was rolling onto her back and spreading out as Maria ordered.

"That's…. That's just creepy," Maria whispered, staring wide-eyed at where Vicky lay sprawled open and asleep, totally helpless before us.

"I… I know. Right." Honestly, I really had no idea what to think, or do, anymore. Reality suddenly didn't seem as real, any more.

"Wake her," Maria demanded, looking sternly at me. "We've got to set some basic rules and limits on this before it goes too far. If you're not careful," Maria warned me in all seriousness, "you'll end up breaking her mind and turning her into a human vegetable, and I don't think you want to become that type of jackass."

"Never in a million years," I assured her. "I never want to become a Brock!"

"Well give me a moment to go put my face on," Maria commanded. "Then close her legs, wake her up, shut up, and let me do the talking." Rushing out of the room, Maria hurried across the hall to grab the nearest wig of hers — a long, straight, platinum-blond number this time that went almost all the way to her knees.

"Sure," I shrugged indifferently. It's not like I had any clue what to do myself!

"Go for it," Maria told me, adjusting the hair on her head so she didn't look quite so much like a wild woman.

"Vicky." Taking a deep breath, I glanced back over at Maria for confirmation and support. When she nodded back lightly to me, I finally swallowed my doubts and ordered, "Close your legs. Sit up. Wake up. And for God's sake, stay calm and don't yell, scream, or cry!" The last part was truly the most important part, as far as I was concerned!

Moving almost like she was sleepwalking, Vicky slowly closed her legs before sitting up and sitting upright on her knees. Her eyes suddenly opened like a switch was just toggled, and she looked back and forth quietly, taking everything in. "Maria?" Seeing someone new in the room, Vicky instinctively covered herself as much as possible with her arms, and blushed brightly. "Wha.. What's going on here?" Barely whispering, I don't think her voice would've read us anywhere else, except, you know — soundproof house!

"There's no need to be bashful at this point," Maria chuckled lightly. Smirking down at Vicky, she casually made a shooing motion with her hand while nonchalantly ordering her to, "Sit cross-legged. Lean back. Use your arms to support yourself from behind your hips. Hands flat to the floor."

"Umm… Don't you think she'd look better on her knees, with them spread wide apart?" Sorry. My youthful male hormones overwrote my mouth and I once again said something I shouldn't.

"You, shut up." Without even glancing back at me, Maria never once took her gaze off Vicky's eyes. "You can do whatever you want with her *after* I've set some basic boundaries and we've all agreed to them. Capiche?" Doing her best imitation of an Italian mobster which she could — and honestly, it wasn't very great in my opinion — Maria finally turned and gave me the stink-eye until I nodded my head in silent agreement.

"Good." Seemingly satisfied, Maria turned to focus all her attention back on Vicky — who I felt was being supremely calm about everything. Was my last order affecting her *that* much, or was she just relieved to see another girl with her and able to put me in my place?

"Now, Vicky," Maria chuckled lightly while staring down at her. "I'm certain that you can tell, things are all fucked up. Laws of physics are being broken. Teleportation is happening right in front of us. Reality is being overwritten and manipulated. Mind control and human puppeteering is real. Everything is fucked up at the moment, and my mind is struggling to keep up with the fuck up just as badly as yours is."

"But, I think we can all agree, everything's fucked up. Right?" Glancing back at me and then over at Vicky, it was obvious Maria was waiting for our agreement.

"Everything's screwed up," Vicky agreed softly, while not twitching out of the pose Maria sat her in.

"Good!" Laughing lightly, Maria moved over, sat down in the chair in front of my computer, and relaxed back in it like she was the queen of the world. "At least we've established a common point for our conversation. Now, let's go from there!"

As Maria clapped her hands together forcefully, I couldn't help smirking lightly to myself. Vicky has always impressed me with her ability to take control of the people around her, with her, "Okay now, settle down, guys." From what I was seeing now, she was still just a rank amateur compared to Maria!

My damn Nister is amazing!