Sexy Time (Part Two)

And after that, I tugged Vicky up onto my bed, pushed her onto her back and cream-pied her at least another dozen times that night. By the time I was done, white man-goodness covered everything — including Maria! Hell, once I'd got started, I couldn't stop for anything! It was only the first rays of light that POOFed Vicky away that made me…

Fuck you!

If you believe any of that, you're one of those stupid *bodies* — a somebody, anybody, busybody, whatever!! — that I told *NOT* to read this! You're not a nobody like me. You don't understand what it's like being a nobody like me. You don't deserve to read about a nobody like me!! Go read something by Steven Pornking, or something!

Sorry about that. Now that I've offended those judgmental bodies, I'll tell you the truth, my fellow nobodies — that was it for me, for our first time. It's embarrassing, but *you* probably understand. I'm fat. Out of shape. I have no real strength or endurance. I'm sexually inexperienced and completely frustrated…

I'd shot my load — my one and only bucketload — and I was exhausted! My kness were jello. My heart was racing. I was drenched in the cold afterglow of sweat. And, I had work to do before I could pass out for the night.

"Vicky, come on my good girl…" Reaching out, I gently stroked her hair and tugged her gently up to her feet. "Let's go take a bath," I ordered her gently, as I slowly led the way out of my room. Taking my hand with hers, she followed silently along behind me, happily letting me lead her to wherever I might take her.

"Maria! Want to join us?" Stopping outside her room, I peaked my head in long enough to notice her happily sprawled out atop her bed reading some sort of science looking magazine.

"Sure! Give me just a second. You guys go get started without me." Laid on her back as she was, Maria was offering me a perfect view of her nude body, with the exception of her face with was hidden behind the pages of the magazine she was holding up in her arms.

"Vicky, come on in here," I ordered her firmly, pulling her past me with the grip I had on her gentle little hand. "That's my Nister, and your second master," I told her sternly, pointing with my other hand towards Maria. "It seems she's feeling a little bashful and insecure around you, so I'll only warn you of this, this one time — If you insult her, hurt her, bully her, or do anything to cause my Nister to regret you being here, I'll end you.

"Doesn't matter how good a fuck toy you become," I repeated coldly. "I'll fucking end you. Caphice?"

Trembling from head to toe as if I'd just beat her, Vicky just nodded lightly. Her wide-eyed expression was one of pure fear — no sign of the horny slut in her anywhere now — as she looked pale and ready to faint at any moment.

I didn't give no shits. As long as she understands that Maria is ultimately my bottom line, and that hurting her would be crossing it and perhaps not a good thing to do since I ultimately held complete control over her existence now, then I was content.

"You're *really* going to have to screw the shit out of me, if you keep saying sexy man-stuff like that, Nother!" Sitting her magazine down, Maria bounced up and tightly wrapped her arms around my fat waist and buried her face in my chest.

Gently rubbing her bald head, I glared warningly over at Vicky, before suggesting, "Hey Maria.. What do you think about helping me shave my fuck toy bald? She can just tell everyone that it was part of her way of protesting the current status quo with all of the clicks and clubs and all in the school.

"Mas… Master, I… I like my hair." Stuttering, Vicky swallowed down whatever seed of mine that remained in her throat. Tears gently leaked from the corner of her eyes as she reflexively twirled her long hair through her fingers with her free hand.

"Sounds great! Let me grab my scissors and clippers!" Completely ignoring Vicky, Maria was bouncing as she giggled happily running over to her dresser.

"We're going on," I told her, gently tugging Vicky helplessly behind me as I headed on into the bathroom.


Shutting the door to the bathroom behind us, I eased over to the oversized spa that took up most of the room and turned the spigots on so it'd start filling up. "Come on in with me," I ordered Vicky, as I slowly sank back to relax in the slowly rising warmth of the waters.

"Are… Are you really going to shave me?" Stepping into the tub, Vicky slowly sat down and leaned her back against my chubby chest. Wrapping my arms around her soft shoulders, I gently enjoyed the feeling of her nicely rounded breasts.

"Bald from top to bottom," I assured her. "There's not going to be a single hair left on you when we're done. If there is today," I chuckled slightly, "then I'll just be certain to wax it all off tomorrow. You're going to be egg-smooth for certain by this weekend."

"Why??" Sounding like she was ready to cry, Vicky snuggled tightly back against my chest and wrapped my arms tight in the embrace of hers. "Am I being punished? Have I did something wrong already?" Her voice was so low, it could barely be heard over the sound of the running water.

"Nope," I assured her, squeezing both her breasts gently in my hands. "I just want you that way."

"O… Okay, Master." Breathing deeply, Vicky's shoulders finally relaxed and her posture softened gently. "If that's what Master wants, that's fine. I was just afraid I'd did something wrong." Dropping her arms back down to her sides, Vicky surrendered herself completely to me.

And then her hair fell out!


"Wh.. Wh.. What the hell are you two dumbasses doing?!" Just a few moments Maria opened the door, she was screeching at both me and Vicky — and, I'll admit, we deserved it.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" My mind was in complete panic mode as I held up long handfuls of beautiful golden-blond hair. Vicky's bare ass was right up in my face, as she was leaning across the spa and frantically turning off the spigots. "The jets! Make certain to turn off the jets," I told her, frantically.

"What the hell has happened?" Staring wide-eyed, Maria looked at us as if we'd both completely lost our minds.

"Master wanted me bald," Vicky told Maria as she turned around to face her with a brilliantly beautiful smile etched across her face, while long strands of hair slid gently off her shoulders and dropped into the tub.

"But I didn't want you to get bald *here*," I stressed helplessly. "We were going to wash your hair first, so you could keep it as a memento of the day you became mine," I explained, sighing heavily. "We were going to remove it AFTER the bath. All that hair's just going to clog up the jets in the spa if we're not lucky!"

"Oh no! No more bubbly bath!" Frantically grabbing ahold of what little hair that still remained resting on her head and shoulders, Vicky quickly eased out of the tub and closer to the dumbstruck Maria.

"It's a little too late for that now," I sighed heavily, easing up to follow her. "We've got a lot of cleaning up to do first, before we can use the tub tonight." Moaning piteously, I couldn't believe the start of my life with my own personal toy was turning out this way.

"What we've really got to do," Maria sighed, just as dejected as me, "is figure out how the hell this magic mumbo-jumbo shit works…"