The Price of Crack (for Vicky)

Magic trick! Magic trick! Master's going to perform a magic trick! Master is so awesome. Master is so great! Thinking of Master makes me want to Masterbate!

OOOOHHH!! I could write a song that starts like that! It'd let the world know how great master is!

Master is so awesome! Master is so great!

When I dream of Master, I can't help but masterbate!

His eyes. His hands. The sweat on his brow!

Staring at it…. Wow! Wow! Wow!

When his fingers touch me, I feel so alive…

Please, OH Please, Master, PLEASE cum inside!

Fill my womb with your glorious spunk…

Smash me! Stretch me! Fill me! Ruin my worthless jun…

"Oooohhhh…" There it is! There it is! Master's beautiful and radiant magic!

"Wha… What is *that*!!" By Mistress Maria's breathless exclamation, I can tell she's just as bedazzled by Master's awesomeness as I am! I'm not certain what Master's made with his magic either, but it's almost too perfect to describe — just like him!

Master has somehow made a solid blue line of pure energy appear in front of my face. I wonder… Is he making a dildo to play with me with? It's the right length for one, but it's still waaay too thin. Unless… What if it's like a tampon and inflates when it goes inside?

"THAT," Master assured me confidently, "IS MY PERSONAL MAGIC!" It's so awesome! Master is sooo amazing! I'm on the verge of an orgasm, just listening to Master's perfect voice and seeing his divine magic at work! But… but… but I mustn't! I want to make Master proud of me! I need to wait for his permission before I do that!

"I THINK," Master told us! Oh my Master!! I'm getting all weak and quivery inside! My Master is thinking! I pray he's thinking of me!

"I'M GUESSING," Master graced us with his thoughts! "THAT IT'S LIKE A CRACK BETWEEN WORLDS. A DOORWAY OF SORTS, IF YOU WILL, WHICH I CAN USE TO TRAVEL BACK AND FORTH TO THAT OTHER WORLD I DREAMED ABOUT." Oh my Master! I dream about another world as well! A world with just me and you in it, and all the food is enhanced with the Viagra vitamin, and in which you shower me with your infinite grace and love every minute of our existence!

Can I dare to dream that this is a crack to that world?

No! No! Bad Vicky! I'm about to make myself orgasm thinking about it, and Master hasn't given me permission too! Oh Master! I'm sooo wet and ready. Just tell me! Order me! Just say, "Vicky cum," and I'll shower the world in my colors for as long as you'd let me!!"

"Well make it bigger," Mistress Maria suggested, and I wholeheartedly agree!

Oh Master! Please make it bigger! I want to see this perfect new world that you've made just for us. It's right here, close enough for me to almost touch…

"WAAAAIITT!!" Grabbing me up in his muscular arms, Master pulled me tightly into his divine embrace. Oh Master! I can feel the lips to my womanly hole quiver and spasm so hard, I'm afraid I'm going to rip the hose you clipped to them!!

"OWWW!! DAMN IT!" Master stuck his perfect little tongue out for me. The very tip had just a few divine drops of Master's blood coating it, tempting me endlessly.

"HOW IS IT? IS IT BAD?" Master joked with me. How could that be possible? What part of my Master could ever be bad? Oh! I know what Master wants! I'll happily play along!

"OH! My poor baby Master! That looks terrible!" Oh, Master! Nurse-play is amazing!

"I'd better fix that!" Oh Master! My Master! I had to quickly rush forward and embrace the passion my Master had lit in me. Oh, Master! A chance to taste your lips! To drink your spit! To feel your tongue with mine! A… A chance to even taste the divine ambrosia that is your blood!

Time stood still. The world was perfect. Creation was perfect. All my woes. All my problems. All my worries were just gone, like the dust in the wind. There was just me, and Master, and an endless bliss that I could lose myself in for an eternity!

But I mustn't! What if Master has something even more divine in store for me later?! What.. What if… I'm almost afraid to even dream it, lest I tempt fate and it never happen, but what if Master will let me taste his glorious seed once again??

"PHHAWW!!" Reluctantly, I slowly pulled my lips back away from Master's divine essence. Giggling lightly, so I wouldn't cry at our parting, I assured master, "A little spit will fix that!"

My Masters spit can fix anything!


My Master is sooo damn sexy! For the last few hours, I haven't been able to take my eyes of him. He's been diligently working hard to expand the door to our world, and… and… and…

Master just looks sooo damn sexy! Sweat is dripping from his body, smelling up the room like the purest honey. Oh Master! Please let me lick every tiny little drop off you! It looks so divine. So tasty! I'm certain no wine in this world could ever compare to the greatness of my Master's sweat.

I… I wonder…

If I learn this magic stuff, would I ever be able to grow water? If I could turn a drop of Master's sweat into a tub full, just… just… just imagine it! I could bathe in Master's glorious sweat and bask every inch of my body in it.

Or… or… or… I don't dare say it! But if I could grow a drop of sweat with magic, could I perhaps do the same with Master's divine milk?? Oh, Master! I'm on the verge of an endless orgasm just imagining it!

"Vicky! Get away from Michael and let him sleep." OH! Mistress is here! I was so wrapped up in staring at Master's face as he rested, and so lost in my wild imaginings, that I completely forgot about her.

Master said for me to obey her second, and while he's sleeping, I should listen to her. I want to make my Master proud of me, after all!

"Yes, Mistress!" Squirming shamefully, I tried my best to answer with a loud voice. I don't want her to notice I'd tuned her out!

"Did you bring your phone with you?" Mistress asked me, apparently choosing in her infinite kindness not to bring up my lack of discipline.

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Is it charged and ready to use?"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Then scoot your ass and go fetch it! We're going to try something."

"Yes, Mistress!