Introduction/Chapter 1


Hi Author here, I just wanted to explain that this is part of a saga which contains 5 books! Although this is book 1, you can read any of the others before hand because they do not link to each other as they are about different people. But in the next series I would recommend reading them in order because that is when they will link together!

Love you

- Poppy xx


-Subject 865's POV-

It hurt all over.

I had just left Dr Malcom's office with tears in my eyes. This usually happened when I finished a session with the strange doctor. My small, skinny body was covered in newly formed bruises and stinging scratches that would take forever to heal.

" Tomorrow we will try shifting so be a good girl and do as your told and I will reward you, do you understand? "

The doctor called out as I was making my way down the endless corridor, that was blinding me with its white walls.

I turned on my heels with my head pointed at the floor and mumbles a soft reply

" Yes, Doctor. "

I then turned back around and silently made my way back to my room that was guarded by two very scary looking men.

One gave me a slight nod and opened the door for me to go inside.

Once I was inside, the door was closed and a click echoed around the near empty room as the door was locked.

I gave a quick glance around my padded white room and took in the bare walls and lack of furniture.

On one side of my room stood a tall white wardrobe that housed all of my clothes ( which were only white, thigh length dresses that complemented my long auburn hair ) and on the opposite side of the room a single bed was positioned with white pillow and a white duvet to match the rest of the room and a bedside table, that had a newly delivered collection of Shakespeare books stacked on top, was located.

I plopped myself down on the colourless bed and let out a exasperated sigh as I picked up a book from the top of the pile next to me and read the title aloud.

" Hamlet... "

I kicked my feet up and opened the book, diving into the world of betrayal and tragedy.

But i only got a few chapters into the surprisingly good book when the events of today suddenly came flooding back into my mind.


The room I was in was pitch black other then a single, swaying lamp that hung from the ceiling just above my head.

Both my wrists and ankles were tied down to a metal table with thick leather bindings that's sole purpose was to make sure I didn't escape the white hot pain as needles were being jabbed into me left, right and centre, both drawing blood and injecting new substances into my bloodstream.

I could feel all the difference liquids sloshing about in my veins and burning my skin as I screamed in agony.

" Now, now. Don't be so dramatic, it's only a few needles! "

Dr Malcom said in a dismissive tone, that some how made the pain worse.

This went on for hours, with my wrists and ankles bruised from straining to escape the everlasting pain before the sick and obsessed doctor had enough, and left to carry out a new experiment in his laboratory.


I didn't realise I had fallen asleep until the unlocking of my metal bedroom door pulled me from my slumber.

I just watched sleepily as a servant came in carrying a metal tray filled with the most bland food they could find.

" Thanks "

I mumbled, not expecting an actual reply from them since they weren't aloud to talk to me.

So I sat there in silence as I shovelled the flavourless sludge into my mouth, thinking about what would happen to me tomorrow.

Once I had finished my evening meal, I lied down on my bed, staring up at the white, bland ceiling. Letting all my thoughts run wild.

After a while my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an alarm which quickly faded back into the solon silence of the bland cell, signaling the lights would be turned off soon.

By now I had changed into my night time clothes and was fully submerged beneath the thin sheets of my single bed.

The lights turned off, and I closed my eyes falling into a dreamless sleep where I felt no pain and remembered no trauma...



So how was that?

Please give me feed back on my work so that I can improve in the future xx

Don't forget to vote for my book ( if you are enjoying it so far )!

Love you all so much

- Poppy xx