Chapter Twenty-Seven


"So whats the strategy here?" I stare through the one sided glass into the room holding our one clue to the case that is responsible for us running around Ecrea the past two months.

"You remember Ikes?" Lilith smirks.

"I love the way you think." Laughing to myself I plant a kiss on her cheek and open the door for her to go first.

As we settle into the room, the woman cuffed to the table looks up. Her body language calm collected, with a bright smile on her face. The only sign of wariness I can pick up on is the seemingly innocent look in her eyes. Her hair, a light blond is lifted into a ponytail, which seems to only further her picture perfect facade. The woman's hands have a few cuts which must mean that whatever she does requires her to get up close and personal often, but the most interesting mark on her body is a scar that runs from her collarbone to her left cheek.

"Hello, my name is Detective Stancil, and this is my partner detective Bran we've got a few questions for you."

"No problemo, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have." She sweetly smiles, her Medeisian accent noticable.

"Well the first thing we wanted to ask you, Miss Reid, was how long have you been a bartender at the pub on the corner of lucky St.?" Lilith asks.

"I believe six months now, its been interesting to say the least." She chuckles.

"Oh, how so?"

"Well, lately I've noticed more sketchy people hanging around."

I'm careful not to show too much interest.

"Well, Miss Reid have you seen this individual hanging around?" Lilith slides the picture of our lead suspect.

"His alias as of now is Sirius Oberon, we believe he has a connection to your workplace somehow."

Her smile is replaced with a grim line, and her eyes swell up to the size of bowling balls. The room seemed to get cold enough for goosebumps to scatter across my arms.

"He isn't a regular but I saw him once driving off with one of our vans."

Lilith and I lock eyes across the table. Sirius must be the one who stole the van and ditched it near the capital.

Which means he's the rebel.

There's two loud knocks on the door, signaling us we're needed.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, Lady Reid. An officer will be here shortly to escort you back to Medeis."

"Oh no need for that detective, I have some family in Draçon I'd like to pay a visit to if you dont mind. Family is very important after all."

"Alright then, just let an officer know if you need anything and dont leave Ecrea in the next forty eight hours."

"You seem like a really sweet soul Lady Reid, I wish you and your family all the best." Lilith adds, before walking out.

As soon as the door shuts behind me, I released a long sigh. I could briefly see my breath before the air got warm again and it disappeared.

Gibbons rushed over to us as soon as the lock behind us clicked. The lenses of his glasses were dirty, and his hair wasn't neatly gelled back as it usually was. Nor was his composure calm and collected.

"Oi, it is so good to see you both." Gibbons pulls us in for a hug, nearly squeezing the life out of us.

"Moi, I'd like to say the same but you dont really look like you are doing okay. What is the hels is going on?"

He sighs, and you can tell the stress is still set in his shoulders.

"Well, as of fifteen minutes ago the Royal Castle - you know the one with Ecrea's leaders and future leader- is on fire. And not just any fire but magi fire, which I know that you know that a magi fire is extremely difficult to put out due to its nature of creation."

The pause before the storm that was surely the rest of the capital if not Ecrea was suffocating.

"This has to be connected to that riot we stopped a few days ago, Lilith."

She was muttering under her breath, her mind probably going a mile a minute.

"Alright well, I assume all the units left, what are you still doing here?" I ask.

"I cant leave, there literally isnt anyone else here to handle the phones or anyone in need of help that comes looking. I mean you can see the castle from here Dalia, and the nobles are not taking the sight in well.

"So, lets go then. The longer we wait the harder it is to do damage control." Lilith speaks up. "Dalia you go and find Verona Celeste, she has something to do with all this I just know it. When you find her make sure she's safe."

"Wait why does it sound like you arent coming with me?"

"Because, Gibbons and I are going to hold down the fort here. One of us is going to focus on the people we got in the holding cells and the other has make sure anyone out there in need of help finds there way in here."

Panic is bubbling to the surface inside me, but I stomp it down. Lilith can take care of herself, and I'll be back in no time with the the heir, and the fire already a hazy memory.

I clasp her face in my hands, lean my head against hers. "Alright but be careful. I have a bad feeling about all this."

"I do too, but I have a feeling that whatever comes after this is going to change everything." She whispers.

"What about Reid?" I gesture to the holding room with my shoulder.

"I'll let her out, make sure she gets to her family okay."

"Dont get too close to her though, I dont think she was being completely honest. And I know you have a soft spot for pretty brunettes." I smirk.

"I have a soft spot for one pretty brunette." She laughs.

Our lips melted into each others, and for a moment we shared breaths. There was no way this was going to be the last time, I kissed her.

"I love you." I whisper, before stepping back.

"I love you more." She smiles, her dimples appearing on either side of her face.

"Not possible." And I step into the tele behind me.