"The Rescue Blues?"

"Yes, that's the name of their band. The Rescue Blues. Alas told me that their name was taken from a Ryan Adams song that has the same title. Have you heard of it? You listen to Ryan Adams, right?"

Oh. Yeah. She did listen to Ryan Adams, but she had no idea that kids like Alas, Frankie, and Dan did too. And damn, did they really have to make one of my favorite songs as their band name? They just did, girl. She mentally slapped her forehead.

"I do. I have quite a collection of Ryan Adams albums."

"Sweet. I think they will be playing some Ryan Adams songs tonight. That's really cool. Now, we just have to wait for Carter to show up. I'm sure I saw him here somewhere but Freckles Boy Carter is a no show right now." Jean pouted. "Let's just stay here close."

Right…wait! "Does he really need to be here?"

"Huh? Do you mean Ray Carter? Yep. He has to be here. He plays the lead guitar, girl. I never thought that Freckles Boy can play. I've heard that he's suuuuper talented. He can sing too. Well, as I heard, he let Frankie does the singing since he says Frankie's a better vocalist. Come on! Frankie's the best." She almost squealed but immediately stopped because she noticed Alas looking at her.

"Ohh... popcorn!" She grabbed a handful from a bowl. "Want some?"

Lily asked for some. "I thought you are on a strict diet."

"Lil, this is just popcorn. And I am not really fat. Am I?"

Rolling her eyes, Lily surveyed the crowd and tried to search for Carter. Where is he? His band was playing tonight. If what Jean said that he was "suuuuper" talented was true, then she sure wanted to see how "suuuuper" talented he was. It was interesting that he played the lead guitar. That was plus points for a lover boy to get girls.

For the four years that she'd been in Fram Hill High, she never heard of their band. She was supposed to be the Bugle senior writer. She sneaked into locker rooms and hid her voice recorder in shower rooms. How could this big detail as big as a football field go around her radar unnoticed? This was another reason that Jean was right. She needed to get a life. ASAP.

Still waiting for the band to start playing, she drifted her thoughts towards Dan Pierce. He was right there with his drum set in the middle of the crowd. He moved around with confidence. He would talk to and smile at people once in a while. left and right. Lily just hoped that he would notice her. He invited her to come over after all. He should be looking for and talking to her. Like a lovesick fool that she was, she silently groaned when she saw Sophie Baker go next to him and kiss him right on his pretty lips.

Just ouch.

All of Lily's hopes for a night of flirting with Dan flew with the night away--far, very far away from her reach.

Where the hell in hell is Carter anyway? Lily wanted this night to be over!

Feeling jealous of seeing Dan and Sophie kissed, her attention went back to the crowd, and there at the center of Douglas' living room, they made way for Ray Carter.

A red power ranger? She didn't know he liked Power Rangers.

Ray Carter, The Rescue Blues lead guitarist, had finally come. Great. Just great! Now, can we start the party main event? She tried not to look at Dan again–afraid to see him looking at his pretty girlfriend. That would hurt. So, she took another shot of beer. She was eighteen, of age to drink and get drunk.

Jean noticed her uneasiness that she pushed Lily to move and stand in front of Frankie and his band. "Stop looking at the love birds, will you?"

"I am trying not to," Lily exhaled.

Another feedback sound almost damaged her eardrums and Ray Carter started talking. "Yo! Douglas, you have a mean party here. Well, you made me wear this silly power ranger costume. Now, I feel like seven again."

He had that smirk on his face. Even though the room was dim and only a few lights were on, Lily could still see his freckles.

"But, I don't really mind. The beer is my best friend, eh?" He took a monster gulp of beer and shouted.

He already looked drunk to Lily.

Then, he led and the band followed. They started playing "Blinded" by Third Eye Blind first. Wow! They are not bad. Sounds cool. Lily mentally noted. She and Jean were just in front of Frankie, and she was surprised that he got her impressed for the first time in four years that she'd known him. He could sing and sure could pass for a rock star. Alas Cummings wasn't bad too. He looked quite cute in his Bruce Lee outfit. Then, there was Dan. He was so good with the drums. She couldn't wait to tell her grandmother about it.

The crowd was getting louder and wilder by the second. They were singing along with the band. Even Jean was singing along too–though out of tune. When the band began playing "Temporary Bliss", someone at the back started throwing something liquid at the crowd. Lily got wet herself and realized it was beer. Though people were getting soaked with beer, they didn't mind much since they were obviously enjoying the show.

One word: intoxicated.

Lily was so caught up with the whole "beer shower" that she didn't notice Ray was staring at her the whole time. He kept on strumming his guitar but his gaze was on her. At that moment, Lily bet she looked like a soaked chick to him and that annoyed her. It even made her irritatingly conscious about how she looked.

Should I care about him starting at me?

He still kept his gaze on her and hers to him. She didn't know how long she held to it but, all of a sudden, she lost to the staring battle and heard him sing the words, "We belong here." Oh my god! He is singing a Ryan Adams song–"I love you but I don't know what to say."

That got Lily feeling weird all of a sudden.

From a very messy and loud crowd, the people in the room went quiet. Ray Carter was singing and the people were listening. Jean, who was beside Lily all this time, put her arm around her. Lily thought her friend was trying to tell her something but she only squeezed her tighter and smiled. "What?"

"Loosen up and enjoy, Lily."

Startled with Jean's remark, she stiffly nodded. "It became a bit awkward here. Don't you think?" She hoped she didn't sound so weird.

"Look. Alas is looking at us. To be more specific, looking at me." Lily was certain she heard a giggle from Jean.

Looking at Jean and then at Alas, she wondered. "Wait. Are you two dating? I didn't know. When? How? Why?"

She just shrugged and looked at Alas again. "I have a story to tell you. I know. But right now, I kind of like the attention I am getting from a boy."

"Well, if you ask me, I think he's a better option than Frankie. Alas is pretty cute in a yellow Bruce Lee suit." Nudging at Jean's arm, she giggled with her. "Imagine. The town vet's son dating the accountant's daughter. The most romantic love story ever since Romeo and Juliet."
