"What are you going to do with her? She's been flirting with you all night." Alas asked Ray.

Ray's only reply was, "Aren't you tired of asking me the same question over and over again?"

"You aren't doing anything about it," said Alas.

Ray shrugged. "Should I?"

The answer got Alas into thinking. He thought that while the girl in question, Abiel Adams, was flirting with Ray since he set foot in the Joneses' mansion, he was giving almost no attention back to her at all.

Alas also knew that Ray had no idea what to do with Abiel Adams and her twin sister, Andrea. Both sisters were attractive—pretty blondes, blue eyes, tall and lean bodies of top-notch high school swimmers.

Both sisters would be included in the list labeled as "hot babes" in Ray's so-called "WomenPedia", which Alas knew all too well as how Ray's brain worked when it came to girls.

Ray could deny he was not tempted and not giving two fucks about either Adams twins, but Alas was sure his friend noticed the attempts.