It was time to go home. It was time to return to the real world—high school, college applications, and the good old town of Fram Hill. If only it was possible, Lily's only wish was for more time to relax and prepare her body and mind for the future ahead and for what was to come of her little secret in Three Elms. 

Lily found herself staring at the lake. With the sun hidden behind clouds in the sky, birds resting on trees, and despite the wintriness of the wind enveloping the Three Elms that morning, she suddenly felt warm, and her thoughts drifted to her memory of a pair of blue eyes. Of lips—hot and soft, wet and searching.

Closing her eyes, Lily silently muttered, "Dear God...." 

"I hope He hears you."

Lily opened her eyes again to find her best friend looking at her. "Really?"

"What? I mean. Whatever it is that you're asking God, you gotta pray a little more. I was giving you moral support," shrugged Jean.