Chapter 17

Congratulations Samah you played yourself.

* * * * *

"You look horrible" Martha said looking at me.

I couldn't blame her to notice.

She was right because the same nightmare appeared again this time knocking me down.

I found my self in the puddle of my own sweat and my pillow wet.

"You know what today is Saturday you are not suppose to work we are going to the beach" she said walking ahead of me in my room.

I actually needed a break.

"You will wear this and if you refuse I will make you wear it myself no complaining or I will stitch your mouth" she said getting another one piece then started stripping to wear it.

I guess there was no escape form this then.

Did I want to wear what she gave me.


Did I want to argue with her.


The woman was unbeatable.

I kept on what she called a swim suit which had a deep cut v-neck with the knee length high heels.

The outfit was too much to take in.

It was really dramatic.