No I didn't want to be pregnant.
"It is okay baby girl" she said smoothing me.
It was not okay
"No it is not gonna be okay now.
Look at me
I kept my self in a worse situation that I don't know how to remove myself from" I said wiping my eyes.
"I am sure there is nothing worse and you do know that it is not good to stress yourself when you are pregnant" she said smoothing my back.
That immediately made me shut up and vomit.
What was literally wrong with me.
Shaking my head I stood up thanking my hair that it was in a tight bun that it couldn't escape and walked out of the bathroom.
"I told Franco to bring some pregnancy test he said that he would be around in twenty.
I couldn't tell Ulbretch because he was with your husband I didn't want any of them to get suspicious" she said coming out of no where.
I jumped a little when I heard her voice.
"I swear you guys will give me a heart attack." I said passing.