Chapter 20: Cultivating Spirit Herbs Is Such A Pain In the Ass

He Yi Ming glanced at the spirit field.

In the spirit field, not including the newly made small farm tools, there was a seven-meter tall farming machine made out of animal bones and hides!

It seems like this machine can plow several meters of land at once but will also require several players in order to operate it properly.

Needless to say, it was probably made by a player who graduated from mechanical engineering.

" was a mistake to use the farming speed of this world to calculate the speed of these players from Earth!"

"Although the physical strength of the humans in this world is much higher than the humans on Earth, not factoring in cultivation, this causes their technology to lag behind! By combining the physical strength of the humans in this world with the knowledge of the humans on Earth, the result is more than the sum of their part!"

He Yi Ming was quickly able to pinpoint the reason for the players' efficiency.

Now that the spirit field was ready, all that is left is for the seeds of the spirit herbs to get planted.

But He Yi Ming was still clueless about where to get such a massive amount of spirit herbs seeds!

"He Yi Ming, this is my first and probably the last gift for you...if you ever find yourself stuck, then please by all means open this storage bag!"

Suddenly, He Yi Ming recalled the words of a beautiful figure in his mind.

He Yi Ming reach out his hand and took out a storage bag.

This bag was given to He Yi Ming on the day of his graduation from Heaven Academy by a beautiful figure who tied with him as the number one graduate.

This storage bag was pink with the faint fragrance of flowers.

He Yi Ming opened the bag and took a look, he was instantly struck with some mixed feelings.

The storage bag was packed to the brim with goodies.

On the left, there were stacks of neatly arranged spirit stones, around 500 in total.

Just these stacks of spirit stones were already extremely precious!

The majority of the students who studied at Heaven Academy are people with average talents and no backing, the number of students who can amass 500 spirit stones is less than one in one hundred!

Even some of the teachers can't amass such a large amount of spirit stones at a moment's notice!

One can only imagine the weight of this kindness!

On the right, there was a pile of low-grade spirit herbs seeds, around a thousand in total, enough to cultivate a thousand acres of spirit field. The most crucial thing was that all of the spirit herbs required to make a Spirit Ascension Pill are included.

The meaning behind this was self-evident.

In addition to all of this, there was also a jade slip included in the bag.

"Clear Mind Art?" He Yi Ming took a look at the name engraved on the jade slip and was taken aback.

Clear Mind Art was the unique cultivation method of the fourth-grade sect, the Clear Mind Palace!

It was a rank-four cultivation method that can last the cultivator until the Heavenly Core Realm!

Of course, the cultivation method He Yi Ming got was incomplete, it only include the cultivation method for the Body Refinement Realm.

But even still, if one was to sell this incomplete Clear Mind Art, it could easily fetch over a thousand spirit stones at the minimum!

"Nangong really had planned for everything."

He Yi Ming softly whispered, his mind filled with that delicate and beautiful figure.

The storage bag given by Nangong Li was priceless to He Yi Ming!

It solved almost all the problems He Yi Ming had with creating a new sect!

And if it was not for the system, the Clear Mind Art will be the most valuable of them all!

He Yi Ming has long known that Nangong Li had a not so simple background, but this gift that she just casually gave him proves that it was way more than not simple, it was downright terrifying!

"Since I already have the Azure Emperor Immortal Physique given by the system, this Clear Mind Art is completely useless to me!"

He Yi Ming shook his head and stop thinking about all of this. The most important thing for him right now is to develop and expand his sect as fast as possible, so he can pass the monthly assessment!

Given the current situation of his sect right now, he will definitely fail the assessment one month later.

"Disciples, this is the seeds of the spirit herbs, you will just need to follow my instructions and..."

He Yi Ming smiled and took out the seed of a spirit herb before giving an explanation to the players on how to plant the seed.

As a graduate of Heaven Academy, He Yi Ming had a massive knowledge bank on everything relating to cultivation.

He Yi Ming memorized all of the methods to cultivate low-grade spirit herb in his Alchemy class. Even the spirit herbs that he had never made contact with, He Yi Ming had already memorized the method to cultivate them!


Who in this world can compete with He Yi Ming who spent over a decade of his life on Earth doing nothing but memorization 8 hours a day with only two days off a week since he was 5?!

"Wow, so this is the seed of the spirit herbs." Beef Noodle carefully held a ball of jelly-like substance with both of his hands.

The ball was transparent and a small dandelion-like plant can be seen at the center of the ball.

"Surrounding the seed of the spirit herb is the spirit membrane, it contains all of the nutrients the spirit herb needs to get growing. In addition, the membrane also protects the seeds from being eaten by animals or the fluctuation in temperature.

"Only one seed can be planted in an acre of land! After planting the seeds, every once in a while, everyone will need to bring water back from the spirit spring to water the herbs!"

He Yi Ming patiently explained to the players.

"Master, how long will it take for these seeds to germinate?" Beef Noodle was quick and had already planted a seed of the spirit herb while He Yi Ming was still talking before excitedly asking him.

"These are the seeds of low-grade spirit herbs! Under normal circumstances, they will take around a month to germinate and a year to mature! Spirit herbs can only be used for creating pills when they are fully matured!" He Yi Ming answered.

"One month? One month in-game time?" Beef Noodle was left stupified.

The other players were also left stupified.

"Holy shit, one month? This f***ing mission will take one month to complete?"

"You got to be f***ing kidding me? Why is cultivating spirit herbs such a pain in the ass?"

"Calm down, listen carefully, that is under normal circumstances, so this means there must be an abnormal one too!"


Most of the players went into a frenzy, F***ing hell, a farming mission will take one month until completion? Ain't nobody got time for that!

But there were also players who caught on to the details!

"Master, is there any way we can speed up its germination?" Farm Master quickly asked.

"Ways to speed up its germination? Well, there are many ways!"

"The most common way is to refine heavenly treasure into spirit fertilizer to speed up its germination. This method is the fastest and the safest!"

"Or, a cultivator can also use their own spirit energy, with the assistance of some special cultivation method or physique, they can also speed up the germination by feeding the spirit herbs their own spirit energy!"

When He Yi Ming said this, he suddenly realize something.

When talking about special cultivation that can speed up the germination of spirit herbs.

Who can compare to the overpower Azure Emperor Immortal Physique?

Although due to He Yi Ming's current cultivation base being too low, he does not have access to the true power of the Azure Emperor Immortal Physique.

But the Azure Emperor Immortal Physique was a peak wood attribute cultivation technique in of itself!

By feeding the spirit herb the spirit energy of the Azure Emperor Immortal Physique, it should greatly speed up the speed at which the spirit herbs grow!


"The cultivation method, Azure Emperor Immortal Physique can be used to speed up the germination process of the spirit herbs!"

"Your Master will now give you all a demonstration!"


He Yi Ming smiled and activated his Azure Emperor Immortal Physique, a cyan color stream of spirit energy slowly entered the seed of the spirit herb planted by Beef Noodle.