Chapter 30: The Night Before The Big Battle

"Since this Legendary mission is a co-op mission and the rewards are divided equally among the players, there is no need to fight over the monsters! We need to work together to complete this mission! After all, everyone here has experienced the difficulty of this game!"

Stardust said.

Many players nodded their heads in agreement, with a deep personal understanding of what he just said.

After all, during the launch of this game, countless players were massacred by the graphorns.

"In this mission, players will be divided into three groups!"

"Group one is composed of players whose cultivation is Body Refinement Realm Rank 3 or lower, aka the suicide squad, their goal is to act as the bait in order to lure the Seafolk into the dam!"

"The second group of players will be composed of our DPS! This group of players will be composed of those who are proficient at armament haki and others who are proficient at the frost bolt spells! The goal of this group is to wipe out the Seafolks in one fell swoop!"

"And the third group of players is the roamers! Their goal is to move back and forth to support the other two groups so they can do their job!"

"In addition, Indomitable_Panda, Beef Noodle, Luffy, and World Number One Ice Mage will act independently of these three groups! We'll be relying on you guys against the Foundation Realm BOSS when he appears!"


Stardust started to layout an extremely detailed yet simple plan.

"Big Boss Star we'll listen to whatever you have to say!"

"Nice, this is a simple yet effective plan!"

"You can use me as your cannon fodder so as long as you promise me that you will rekt those Motherf***ing Seafolks!"


The players started to chatter in excitement.

"Then let's get moving!" Stardust waved his hand and the players immediately disperse.

"Place these blocks over there! Right, right, right, that's right, you guys leave and bring over more blocks!

MC Legend decides to build the dam to the east of the sect, facing the endless sea.

With seven veteran Minecraft players in command, along with dozens of hard-working players, the foundation of the dam was built within a short amount of time.

"When the Seafolks are about to throw their bone spears, there will be a start-up motion, so as long you see that, you'll know they are about to throw their spear, and if you look at how their arms are positioned, you might even know where they're aiming at!" Indomitable_Panda explained to the 20 players before him how to dodge the spear.

"Throw your spears all at once!" Indomitable_Panda wave his hand and ordered four players to toss their bone spears simultaneously.

"Swish swish swish, swish!" Four bone spears flew out simultaneously, but as if he already know where they're going to land, Indomitable_Panda easily avoid every last one of them.


"No wonder everyone calls you their Senpai!"



The players exclaimed when they saw the scene before them.

"This is nothing. If you want to beat Dark Soul VR with 0 hits, you have to avoid 50 spears coming at you at the same time for close to a minute!" Indomitable_Panda calmly replied.

"Are...are we living in the same world?" Players started to glance at each other.

If they were facing 50 spears comings straight at them, they will already be pierced into a hedgehog in an instant, all right!

"Melee squad step up!"

"Range squad fire!"

Stardust was training 20 players to increase their synergy with each other.

"According to my dissection, these Seafolks possess great upper body strength and can throw a spear with immense force! But their body is better designed for the sea, to put it simply, they can move on land but their feet are more suited for swimming, they can breathe air but their gills are more suited to breathe in water, and most crucially, they have a hard time turning around on land! If we attack them from their behind, they'll have a hard time fighting back!" The player ID Evolution presented his finding to the other players.

"How could I, Luffy, the creator of armament haki and the man who'll become the King of Cultivation, lose to an NPC in terms of the strength of our armament haki? No, I can't let it stay like this! I need to develop a skill that far surpasses armament haki! Maybe I can find some inspiration in the Azure Emperor Immortal Physique!" Luffy started his research to develop something that will surpass armament haki.

"Foundation Realm BOSS? Hehehe, these mushrooms and these grasses are all highly poisonous, hehehe, I would like to see you survive against them!" Beef Noodle looks at the mountain of poisonous item collected before him and evilly laugh.

A day of time quickly passed.

Dark clouds filled the sky above the Golden Flame Sect.

"Is it about to rain?

A player looked up at the sky.

"The Seafolks' invasion is coming soon! Everyone, get in position!" Stardust raised his head and saw the clouded sky, quickly ordering the other players.

"Give me a minute, I need to take a bathroom break!"

"F***, my friend just invited me to a mixer!"

"F*** the mixer, it's not like you're getting a girlfriend anyways!"

"Yeah, you're right but FAQ!"


The players eagerly got into position.

At this time He Yi Ming also walked out of the sect hall.

"I did all the preparation I could, now it's all up to fate!" He Yi Ming thought to himself and login into the system.

"Ding, host login in successfully!"

"Login rewards, Spirit Gathering Formation!"

Spirit Gathering Formation: Used to gather and concentrate spirit energy within the air to speed up spirit herb growth or it could be used by cultivators to speed up their spirit energy recovery rates or their cultivation speed.

A colorful disk suddenly appears out of thin air within He Yi Ming's hand!

"Spirit Gathering Formation? Perfect timing!" He Yi Ming rejoiced.

With the Spirit Gathering Formation installed on the battlefield, all of the players' spirit energy recovering(MP) rates will be greatly accelerated!

"Install! ! !" He Yi Ming place the disk onto the ground and install it into the sect.

"I wonder how well had the players prepared...I just hope they'll last for a bit and not be wipeout in an instant!" He Yi Ming thought to himself.

"Huh? Why are they not defending within the sect?" But He Yi Ming soon saw the players rushing down the mountain one after another as if they were going to do something on the mountain base!

So He Yi Ming followed after them and reach the sect gate at the foot of the mountain.

"Holy shit!" He Yi Ming couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the scene outside the sect gate!