Chapter 40: Deep Sea King? What a let down!

"WTF, you guys are telling me that this idiot Seafolk is the Deep Sea King?

"Deep Sea King? What a let down!

What a let down!

What a let down! !

What a let down! ! !

These four words were the straw that broke the camel's back!

The mocking of the players has already deeply angered Deep Sea King Ronal!

As a result, the phrase 'What a let down!' said by Beef Noodle ignited all of the Deep Sea King Ronal's built-up anger!

"I'll kill you first! ! !" Deep Sea King Ronal turned around, abandoning He Yi Ming, and dashed toward Beef Noodle without a care in the world!

This was because Beef Noodle has successfully evoked Deep Sea King Ronal's strongest killing intent!

"Pop!" As soon as Deep Sea King Ronal reach Beef Noodle, he stretched out his hand and grabbed him off the ground!

"I'll use the most brutal method to gnaw you to death! I will make you regret your decision for all of eternity!" Deep Sea King Ronal let out a cruel smile and was about to put Beef Noodle into his mouth.

"F*** you 凸(Middle Finger) as if I'm scared of you! If I bat an eye, I will write my name in reverse!" Beef Noodle appears to be fearless as if he wasn't afraid of death!

"How is this cultivator so valiant?" Deep Sea King Ronal was also a little shocked! Even the bravest Seafolks aren't as fearless as this puny human cultivator!

"Shit, Noodle Bro is playing so dirty! He has no problem using such a degenerate strats!"

"OMG, I think I know what going on!"

"Shhh, be quiet!"


Many players saw that Deep Sea King Ronal was about to devour Beef Noodle and came to a sudden realization!


What a familiar scene!

How could they not understand?

Right now, Deep Sea King Ronal was the only one in the dark!

"Could it be..." He Yi Ming thought to himself.

"If Beef Noodle succeeds, then an opportunity will present itself...but Raigeki is not powerful enough to bring him down...I've only got one shot at this, but now is not the time for hesitation..." He Yi Ming slowly lifts his head!

Dense clouds filled the sky as the rain pour down!

And above the cloud, thunders roared and bolted, exuding the boundless power of the heavenly thunder!

Within his mind, He Yi Ming slowly harden his resolve!

"Ahhhh!" Deep Sea King Ronal was just inches away from stuffing Beef Noodle into his mouth.

But suddenly!

Deep Sea King Ronal let out a mocking smile!

Immediately, Deep Sea King Ronal reached out his left hand and grabbed onto Beef Noodle's clothes before ripping them to shreds!

Suddenly, many highly poisonous items hidden within Beef Noodle's clothes fell onto the ground one after another.

"Shit!! ! !" When the other players saw this scene, their hearts sank.

"Hahaha, did you really think you can trick me?" Deep Sea King Ronal gave a triumphant expression as if he has seen through everything.

"You deliberately angered me so you can take advantage of my carelessness and toss all of these poisonous items into my mouth to kill me from my inside? Hehehe...poor human, you're way too naive!" Deep Sea King Ronal started to laugh maniacally as he ripped off all of Beef Noodle's remaining clothes!

At this moment, all of the highly poisonous items carefully selected by Beef Noodle have gone down the drain!

"How could this happen?" Beef Noodle's face paled as he gave a look of horror and despair.

"Puny humans! All of your little tricks are meaningless!" Deep Sea King Ronal glance at Beef Noodle to confirm that he showed no sign of being poisoned.

After confirming that, Deep Sea King Ronal let go of Beef Noodle who was stripped into his birthday suit, Beef Noodle waved his hand around and let out a scream of horror as he fell into the wide-open mouth of Deep Sea King Ronal.

"Crunch crunch!" Accompanied by a horrible chewing sound.

Beef Noodle entered Deep Sea King Ronal's clean plate club!

"HAHAHAHAHA! Humans, your last trick is now gone!" Deep Sea King Ronal laughed, exuding a domineering aura as if everything was in his grasp!

Stardust was unconscious.

World Number One Ice Mage was heavily injured.

Luffy was just killed and was still returning from spawn.

Beef Noodle enter the clean plates club!

The strongest players among the players were all wipeout!

He Yi Ming was also heavily injured and at death's door!

At this moment, no one can stand before Deep Sea King Ronal anymore!

"It's about time I end this fiasco, first I'l devour your sect master, and then I'll enslave the rest of you!" Deep Sea King Ronal spoke in a sinister voice and turn to look at He Yi Ming.

Deep Sea King firmly believes that there is nothing that can go wrong!

This battle ended with his overwhelming victory!

Within just a few moves, Deep Sea King Ronal was able to force He Yi Ming into a corner.

"Now die!" Deep Sea King Ronal smiled and was about to finish off He Yi Ming!

"GG, we lost!" The players' faces darkened as they prepared themself for when the mission failed and they were kicked from the game.

But at this exact moment, something unexpected happened!

"Huh? What's happening?" Deep Sea King Ronal suddenly stumble and collapsed onto his knee.

The world before Deep Sea King Ronal's eyes began to distort.

And black blood started to drip out of the corner of Deep Sea King Ronal's mouth and eyes.

" in the world...was I poisoned?" Deep Sea King Ronal couldn't believe what's happening but after some investigation.

It turns out that his body has been severely poisoned!

When Deep Sea King Ronal was fighting the wounded He Yi Ming, the poison spread all over his body causing him to struggle to even keep his footing!

"Impossible! I removed all of the poison on that human's body and there was no sign of him being poisoned at all! There is no way a Body Refinement Realm human can show no sign of being poisoned by a poison that can bring me, a Foundation Realm Seafolk to my knees!" No matter how much Deep Sea King Ronal thought about it, he couldn't understand when he was poisoned.

How in hell was he poisoned?

"Huh? How the F*** was Deep Sea King poisoned?"

"Yeah, didn't he throw away all of the poison hidden within Noodle bro's clothes?"

"Noodle bro was in his birthday suit, where in the world did he hide the poison? Did he consume the poison in advance? But then he will be poisoned too and it will be surely discovered by the Deep Sea King, so WTF is going on?


The players were also baffled.

Because it seems like only Beef Noodle could be the culprit!

But where the F*** did Beef Noodle hide the poison?

"I know!" A player has a sudden realization.

"Holy shit! I know too!"

"Shit, what can I say? Noodle Bro POG!"

"Holy crap, I understand why Noodle Bro was able to poison the Deep Sea King in his birthday suit!"


Many players had a sudden epiphany and all of them showed an extremely strange expression.