
"Ninety-eight, ninety-nine… One hundred."

After doing the final push-up, I fell on the floor as if I was a ragdoll. Takeshi helped me to stand up, and after that, I sighed.

That's it. I did it. Now I could start the actual training with a sword.

"Congratulations," said Takeshi and smiled. He was surprised by me becoming so strong in such a short period of time. Yet more than that, he was pleased. Soon he went to the storeroom to take my weapon.

As he was going there, I turned to face Siro. His eyes were filled with shock. He was amazed by my accomplishment.

And for a good reason, I doubt that something like that is possible without the Magazine.

While I was running my first circle around the school, Shirogane was making fun of me; soon after, however, his face became pale and he couldn't say a word.

I was a little pleased with that, to be honest.

By the way, my strength has only advanced by one level, but it was as different as night and day from what it had been before. I really wonder how strong I will be once, if ever, it reaches 'S'. Is it even possible? It must be. It seems that humans in this world have a much higher potential than in my previous one…

Soon, Takeshi came back and gave me a wooden sword. Taking it in my hands, I suddenly remembered my glorious war against the leaves. I switched my grip to the one Takeshi had shown me back then.

The guy smiled and nodded.

Siro winced.

After that, we started studying the right standing position. How you should place your legs while holding the sword… All that stuff. I managed to do it on my first try. (Thanks for my great talent). Siro was slower than me, and yet still very fast.

That was expected.

After all…

[Shirogane Toshihiro

Str: D-

End: D-

Int: C-

Special Abilities:

Kendo: E- (Good talent)]

He also was talented. Somewhat.

After that, we started studying the way you swing your sword at your enemies. There were several rules in the Aozora's Shin-kendo concerning that matter. You can slash almost every place on your opponent's body apart from the head and… Between his legs.

…Now that's a relief.

Takeshi again went to the storeroom and came back with two white human-sized dolls placed on moving platforms. He also took two buckets of red-colored water and gave us the following task: we had to place our swords in that bucket and then smash right at the legs, waits, and shoulder of the dolls. On each of these places, there was a black line drawn to indicate where exactly we should aim.

Shirogane and I stood up in front of the dolls and started smashing at them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

By the way, the dolls were very light. They could fall down if you smash them too hard, so you had to control the strength of your swing to leave all the three required marks before them actually falling.

At last, Takeshi told us, that we had to do these three precise swings in under… Two seconds.

Yeah… To be honest, it felt even less possible than it sounds.

The duration of ETM had been over by then. I could only really on my talent.

It was great, so I was still doing well. Takeshi commented on my great progress and smiled. He also praised Siro. The guy was lagging just a little bit behind me… And that made him very angry.

His doll resembled a zebra.

After half an hour, Takeshi clapped and said:

"That's it…"

We lowered our swords and started washing the dolls. Today's training was over. I haven't made substantial progress with my kendo skill, and yet I could feel, that something will happen if I train like that for some more time.

Right now, however, I was still on the E level.

I was about to leave when I noticed that Takeshi was looking hesitant. It seemed to me that he wished to talk about something but wasn't sure how to start.

Usually, it would have been a great reason for me to leave right away… Dealing with other people's stuff is always a troublesome thing… However, a good main character is always ought to hear his friend's concerns — and so I had to remain.

Sirogane was about to leave, though. He was about to step into the hallway when Takeshi finally said:


We turned to face him.

"We have," he started explaining.

"…a tradition in our club. The seniors and younger members go out to eat together… I know a good place, so…"

I was about to say that I was full — to be honest, I am not really found of hanging out with other people, and yet soon I heard a voice in my head:

'Ring! New Mission discovered!

Fellow club members should be friends!

5P will be granted for every friend-like activity!'

I sighed.

Seems like there was no way out.

Oh well, refusing Takeshi's offer would have been hard anyway. He resembled a pitiful puppy there, asking to play with him. I'm not so heartless as to refuse it.

Someone, however, is:

"No time," said Shirogane and walked out into the hallway.

Now that's a problem. That guy was also a member of the club, so I couldn't just let him go away…

What a bother… I sighed and shouted:


Toma was surprised. Siro turned to face me and gave me an annoyed look:

"The hell do you want?"

"Traditions are important, remember?" I smiled.

"What are…"

"That's what you've told me about the entrance exam. Now, this friendly dinner is also a tradition, so… Don't you think that you should stay for it?"

Takeshi was trying to tell me that it was okay… But I wasn't paying him attention.

"What a gaijin can know about traditions?"

"Surely a little bit more than a guy who goes against them."

"You…" he ground his teeth.

"The hell do you want from me?"

"Not a lot…" I smiled

and said the following line:

"I just want to be friends."