Let's be friends!

Hello, the author is here. There is WPC going on right now with a theme that is somehow relevant to my novel, so I wanted to participate. For that, however, I have to re-upload my work. Can you switch to the new version, please? After mulling for some time, I have also changed the title a bit for a more fitting one for the story.

Power stones and reviews will be most welcomed.

You can find the link below the chapter and in the comments (it is easier to copy from there).

Or just click on my profile if nothing else will work.

I will post ten more chapters before deleting the 'draft' version.



When it comes to Intelligence, I have seen people with [C], [B]… Even [A] in that attribute (though only once, and that was Murakami). Animals are usually around [F] or [F-] level…

"I…" suddenly, the girl's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked at her.

She was awkwardly staring at her knees.

"Kiryu… Sir… I just wanted to thank you… Thank you for coming with me to get my brother…"

"Don't worry about that. He's my teammate; I can't just let him go wild."

Actually, I would have been happy to do just that, but oh well…

"Still. Thank you… I was thinking about talking about that with teachers, but I was afraid that Toshihiro will be punished then…"

Yes, he will. And rightfully so.

"He isn't a bad person, really," said the girl.

"I know. I believe you," I said with a slight irony in my voice. The girl, however, didn't notice that and looked at me with sincere gratitude in her eyes.

Soon after that, our monorail came to stop. We walked out into a desolate street. I opened GPS on my phone and, together with Yuki, entered a grey concrete labyrinth.

As we were walking, the blue sky above our heads was slowly turning yellow. The night was crawling behind our backs.

Each time we were making a turn, a high concrete building would appear before us. Most of the time it was unfinished, just like a skeleton.

It was quiet and uncomfortable. The girl, Yuki, was visibly hesitating. She was trying not to lag behind too much, and yet she was afraid to walk too closely to me, probably because it would be embarrassing to her.

At some point in time, when it was almost completely dark, we walked out into a rather wide road. Steel, red-colored fence was stretching from left to right. You could see a large construction site behind it. We started walking along that fence. Soon, graffiti started to appear on it.

Most of it was the pictures of a skull emitting sunrays.

After ten more minutes of walking, I heard music coming from somewhere farther down the road. Then I heard voices and a commotion.

Seems like we have finally reached the place.

I saw a door in the fence and several men guarding it. There were seven of them, dressed in black jackets. Some of them were holding steel sticks in their hands.

A weapon.

I slowed down and then lead Yuki to the left, behind a corner of a large building.

Making sure that these people haven't noticed us, I sighed.

So here it is. We have finally reached the headquarters of the Toshihiro's gang. That means that he also should be somewhere on that construction site.

However, how can we get there? By force? Maybe… I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword…

After the last-minute training that I had with ETM, I have reached [D-] mastery of Kendo. I think I was quite strong, but… I'm not sure how much exactly. Can I beat five normal people? Maybe. But what about ten? Or twenty? There could be many people in that gang and some of them might be professional fighters…

What's more, I have yet to fight a real, breathing person…

I started hesitating.

"I… sir Kiryu," suddenly, Yuki spoke to me.


"I can.. go there and ask to see my brother. Maybe you won't have to do that risky stuff," said the girl, while trying to look into my eyes.

I could hear the fear in her voice.


"You don't have to. It's dangerous. There should be some other way."

"Okay…" the girl nodded.

I started thinking hard about what we could do.

Should I try to infiltrate the construction site? That will be hard. I'm not a master of stealth, after all… Wait. Maybe I can tell them that I wish to join their gang, and that way they will let me in. Yes, that sounds like a good idea.

However, if I go in myself, it won't be enough. I need to have the girl with me so that she will be able to persuade that bastard Toshihiro to come back… I doubt the guards will let a little girl in.



Yes, I know.

THAT thing might work.

I opened the magazine on the page with the SHOP and swiftly found the item that I need.

[Perfect Disguise

It will make you appear as an average person

Price: 5P]

An average person… As far as I know, an average person would be an adult, so that thing should work. However, I'm a little bit low on points right now.

Well, that means that I have to earn them.

I sighed and started doing my theatrics.

First, I looked Yuki straight into the eyes and said:

"Don't worry. I will make your brother come back, I promise!"

The girl shivered and gazed at me with surprise.

'Main Character should give many promised. +2P!'

"T-thank you, Kiryu-san," Yuki bowed.

"Don't worry. By the way, do you want to be friends?"

"Ah, I… I guess? I mean: sure if you want that!" she said with confusion on her face.


That should be enough. Good.

"Okay, then we will be going, but first…"

I opened the magazine.

"I need to read for some time."


"Give me a minute."