King of the Streets

Hello, the author is here. There is WPC going on right now with a theme that is somehow relevant to my novel, so I wanted to participate. For that, however, I have to re-upload my work. Can you switch to the new version, please? After mulling for some time, I have also changed the title a bit for a more fitting one for the story.

Power stones and reviews will be most welcomed.

You can find the link below the chapter and in the comments (it is easier to copy from there).

Or just click on my profile if nothing else will work.

I will post ten more chapters before deleting the 'draft' version.!_22244785206340605


The girl trembled once I placed my hand on her shoulder. Then, slowly, she came to her senses and looked into my eyes. I nodded to her and whispered:

"It's okay. Let's go."

Yuki slowly nodded as well and, after a moment of hesitation, started walking with me. We were going after that guy with a large chin who was acting as our guide.

He led us through the construction site. It was already the night, and yet this place was brightly lit. Here and there, you could see lamps on the ground that were connected to the generators. There was even a TV in the corner with several chairs placed in front of it, and a white mattress that was covered in red and yellow dots.

Many people had gathered in this place. It was very lively, and everyone was doing something. They were talking, drinking, making noise. So, having fun.

It was loud with music.

I saw a bunch of guys sitting by a concrete wall and sharpening steel sticks. They were making spears. Not far from them, a girl with hair colored like a rainbow was painting a shield. Another girl nearby was making a skull tattoo on the back of some other person.

Some guy was driving a motorbike. Suddenly, he started driving straight at Yuki and me. I instinctively put my hand on the sword, but the at last moment he made a turn and left while laughing aloud.

I sighed, but the next second something else had lightly crashed at me from the side. It was Yuki.

All this time the girl was walking very closely to me, just like scared puppies. She was visibly afraid. I felt a little bit ashamed because I had to take a little girl with me into this place, but sadly, I had no choice in that matter.

I had to find a way to make Toshihiro come back, and his little sister was necessary to do that…

Still, I need to calm her down somehow.


I clicked my fingers just before Yuki's face. The girl immediately raised her head and saw my stretched hand. For several seconds, she was just staring at it. Then the girl understood what I meant and awkwardly let me hold her hand.

Her palm was very smooth and cold.

"Hey, why are you holding hands now?" asked our guide.

"We can't?" I asked calmly.

"Well, you can, I guess…" he scratched his head

[Ring! The true hero should always care about children! +5P

Current Points: 6]

"By the way, you were right to choose our gang. This year we will be number one. The war will be legendry!"

"War?" I frowned.

Thinking about it now, it did look like these people were preparing for warfare.

"Yeah, you didn't know?" the guy looked at Yuki and me with surprise in his eyes.

"It's the Street War! All the gangs of the city will be fighting each other. Wait, first, there will be the battle for the district. The winner of this fight will be the Daimyo of his street and he will enter the high league. After that, the best from the entire city will fight each other, the Twelve Grand Daimyo. They are real monsters! Just like our boss!

The winner of the final battle will become the King of the Street. The best of the best. Even Yakuza fear the true king, even police does… Even the president of America respects him. He's a living legend… The last King of the Streets had been ruling for three years now. Soon, there will be a war to choose a new one!" shouted the guy with enthusiasm in his voice.

Meanwhile, I fell into thoughts. All of this sounded like some sort of setting. A setting of Japanese manga.

The clown, Yuji, told me that the world the magazine brought me into was perfect for the creation of stories. It had all the setups, and the only thing it needed was the Main Character…

If the Wheel of Genres one day will make me a part of a delinquent story, I will have to join a gang and participate in that war. What's more, as the main character I will have to aim high, to become the King of the Street. Just like the manga heroes always do.

That will be really troublesome. I hope the next genre will be relaxing. How about making it a cooking manga? It will be actually useful in a real-life, unlike being a swordsman.

The worst-case scenario, by the way, will probably be either horror or fantasy.

It will be truly dangerous.

Suddenly, while I was thinking about all that stuff, our guide had stopped and pointed his finger forward:

"Hey, look there."

He was pointing at a large metal cross.

"It's for punishing people," he said with pride in his voice. "We will be actually executing a traitor today, it will be a glorious event!"


Suddenly, I had a very bad feeling.

"Yeah, the bastard betrayed us, but we managed to catch him."

"I see… What's his name, by the way?"

"Name? It was something like Shiro… Hiro…"


"Yeah," the guy clapped and smiled.

"We will f*cking kill him!"