Four people came out of the captain's cabin, one looking tired, the other looking happy while she was carrying a baby girl, and the fourth looking upset.
Zora is very upset with Lucy and Ethan, because they were having sex next to her while she was sleeping causing her to wake up due to Lucy's loud moan.
She wasn't upset because they had sex, but because they woke her up from her sleep.
Ethan sighed, 'I'm really tired, I haven't taken any rest since I arrived at Conomi Islands.'
Ethan looked around and found that they had already sailed, but he didn't care that he was hungry now so he went looking for Sanju or Makino to make food for him and Lucy and Zora.
Ethan finds Sanju and tells her to prepare a large amount of food for them and Sanju happily agrees as she goes to the kitchen.
Sanju didn't take long to prepare the food, Ethan tasted it and praised Sanju a lot and after he finished eating his portion of food he decided to go to rest or sleep.
While returning to the captain's cabin he raised his head and looked up at the sky. Ethan saw News Coo flying overhead.
He whistled getting its attention causing the bird to fly down to the ship. Ethan paid it and took the new paper and started walking toward the captain's cabin. As he opened the paper and began reading he spoke out loud.
"Hmm this world sure is a turbulent place," he said while flipping through the pages.
"It seems that there is turmoil in the Frauce Kingdom, but the reason has not been mentioned." he said before turning the page again. As he turned the page a piece of papers fell out of the newspaper.
"hmm what's that?" Ethan asked as he stared at the papers flying around the before it finally landed between Ethan and Nami. When she saw it her eyes widened and Nami screamed.
"AHHHH!" Nami screamed causing Everyone else to come over and see what the commotion was. When they saw it they all stared at it with eyes the size of dinner plates.
..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... .....
At the Marine HQ
Gathered inside Marine HQ in the Agenda Room were all of the Vice-Admirals of the Marine discussing a major threat that has arrived in the world.
"So, even a conservative estimate of their power they are still too much for our branches to handle to handle?" Asked one the vice admirals as he taps on the table in front of him with his finger.
"Yes, even before forming this pirate group Zora killed Marine branch captain Axe- Handle Morgan single-handedly."
"Then she joined this group of pirates with her companion Kuina."
"Apparently, this group of pirates is being ruled by two captains."
"One of them named Ethan defeated and killed Omaeda who ate a Logia Devil Fruit. Right after that, the other captain of this group of pirates named Lucy defeats Buggy 'the clown' who has a 15 million bounty on his head very easily." Brannew said surprising everyone in the room.
Brannew is a tall, tanned man with dark-green curly hair, upwards pointing sideburns, large lips, and eyes that are always obscured by a pair of sunglasses. He sports a blue and white striped shirt with an open collar, pink suit pants, and a pair of shoes.
Although some of them were curious as to how one of the East Blue had managed to defeat someone with the ability of a Logia Devil Fruit, they did not interrupt Brannew's report.
"Pirate Admiral Don Kreig 17 million, Fishman pirate 'Saw-tooth' Arlong 20 million." Brannew said pointing to each wanted poster in the board.
"Every one of these pirates had a bounty over 10 million and he took them down, From the reports we gathered, he has a mythical zoan class devil fruit and a powerful one at that."
"Not only that, the fact that he fought Mihawk and came out alive proves that he is not an ordinary person at all." Brannew said getting the attention of the marines.
'It's rare for Mihawk not to kill his opponents,' some were astonished upon hearing that.
"Mythical Zoan are believed to be the rarest and most powerful class of Zoan devil fruit there is." said one vice admiral.
"Do we know kind of Mythical Zoan it is?" he asked. Brannew looked at the paper he had in his hand and spoke.
"It is believed to be a Dragon devil fruit. We have a report from Captain Nezumi of branch 16 saying that Ethan has the ability to transform into a giant black dragon over 100 meters tall." Brannew said causing all of the eyes of the marines to widen at that.
Brannew then looked at the paper before he spoke again. "We asked Mihawk about him, and he told us that he can use Haoshoku Haki, and there is a possibility that he can use the other two types but he hasn't used them yet."
No one could contain the shock they felt after hearing this, and some thought that it made sense that Ethan could defeat Umeda because he could use Haki.
"A Haki user!? In the East Blue!?" one vice admiral shouted.
"Did you say he can use Haoshoku Haki? That's very bad news." One of the Vice Admirals showed a serious expression.
"I can't believe it," said one vice admiral.
"Where is this boy now?" asked another immediately going into the marines mode.
"They are probably heading towards Loguetown. We already sent reinforcements to back up to support the Marines there," Brannew said.
"That's good, we cannot allow a pirate of this caliber to enter the Grand Line." one Vice Admiral said earning nods from the rest.
"We have to kill him as soon as possible, if we leave him, he will become a huge threat in the future."
"Because of the great threat this pirate poses to the world and to the marines, we are giving him a bounty of *******." Brannew said.
Although this reward is very high, no one objected to it, and some of them even thought that this was too low.
..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... .....
Back on the ship, everyone was staring at the wanted poster laying on the ground with shocked faces while Lucy was just smirking.
"Would you look at that I'm a wanted Woman," she said smugly as she stared at the poster. The picture they used was just after destroyed Arlong park. Lucy's poster is very similar to the original story.
Ethan looked at his poster and frowned, the photo was taken right after his fight with Mihawk, so his entire body was covered in blood as stared what looked to be directly into the camera with the cold eyes of a killer. 'Damn it, don't I look so scary in these pictures, wouldn't that make all the girls in the world feel afraid of me?'
"Ethan, you look so cool in this picture." Lucy's eyes turned to stars as she looked at the picture of Ethan.
'Well, except for Lucy.' Ethan smiled as he looked at Lucy, who was showing enthusiasm as she looked at a poster.
"Why the hell is your bounty so high?" Tears almost streamed from Nami's eyes from fear as she looked at Lucy and Ethan's bounty.
< 100,000,000 Belly >
< 100,000,000 Belly >
Lucy and Ethan's bounty are quite similar, probably because they are both captains and Marines think they have the same power.
Zora and Kuina's bounty has also gone up, and a new poster for Alvida has been released.
< 30,000,000 Belly >
< 20,000,000 Belly >
< 15,000,000 Belly >