125- Meet Desire

Hearing Ethan's questions, Freya simply answered.

[She didn't steal our ship, it was her subordinates who did it.]

[She's also a big fan of your pirate crew like Bartolomeo, that's why she's throwing a party for us.]

Earlier, all the girls headed to Desire's residence in order to defeat her and get the gold back.

But unless the girls expect, Desire will come out in person to apologize for her subordinates' behavior and return the stolen gold and tell them the ship's location.

Then she tells the girls that she is a big fan of their pirate crew, and usually all her followers know about it but the group that stole the ship are her new subordinates who want to prove themselves and they don't know that she is a fan of SHD Pirates.

Because of this, the gold and the ship were recovered without any fighting happening at all.

All the girls had a shocked look on their faces except for Freya.

She was holding the baby in her arms and there was a smile on her face, as if she was expecting this to happen.


Ethan, Bartolomeo and the two girls entered Desire's residence and no one stopped them.

Ethan looked around and there were many beautiful girls dancing and drinking while they were enjoying the party, Ethan took one look at these girls and then looked away and looked for Desire and his crew.

After a while, Ethan finds Desire and his crew.

[mission:Have sex with Desire! Reward:10,000Points]

When Desire noticed Ethan and Lucy, her eyes flashed and she walked toward him with a big smile and a welcoming attitude.

"Hi, I'm Desire, I'm really glad to meet you face to face." Desire shakes hands with Ethan and then Lucy while excitement fills her eyes.

Then she began describing how impressed she is with their remarkable achievements, and how she wished to meet them someday, and today her wish has come true.

After that, she apologized again for what her subordinates had done, and was delighted when Ethan accepted her apology.

"Please enjoy this party." Desire smiled while she giving Ethan some drink.

He took the drink from her hand, then smiled and swallowed the drink in one gulp.

Ethan wasn't worried about whether the drink was poisonous or not, because he was sure even if it was poisoned he could resist the poison and then extract it from his body using magic.

After that, Ethan talked to her for a bit and then went to see what his crew was doing at the party.

After Ethan left, Bartolomeo approached her and then told her how he met Ethan and Lucy, he told her all the details excitedly. Especially the moment when there was a hole in the clouds and the light of the sun fell on Lucy after she declared that she would be the pirate queen.

But what caught Desire's attention the most was how Ethan was able to shoot down a thousand Marines just by looking at them.

Then Bartolomeo began to boast that Ethan had accepted him to join his pirate fleet.

Upon hearing this, Desire feels envious, but does not know that she will get something much better and that she will be part of Ethan's crew and will ride with him on the same ship.


Ethan checks out all his crew members and notices that they are all fine and enjoying the party except for Zora.

Zora is the only one out of all the girls who has a serious expression at this party.

Ethan walked over to her and then asked curiously, "Why aren't you enjoying the party? You shouldn't be showing a serious expression at this moment."

"I don't know, but I feel strange at the sudden turn of events. I was expecting we would fight them, but contrary to my expectations they happily greeted us and threw a party for us."

"I'm worried they're trying to trick us." Zora looked sharply at everyone around her while drinking from the cup in her hand.

Ethan raised an eyebrow while asking Zora, "If you're thinking this way, why are you drinking the drink they gave you, aren't you worried it's poisonous?"

Zora: "Do you think I didn't think about that? I had Makino check all the drinks here to make sure there was no poison in them."

"Don't worry, I don't think they have bad intentions towards us."

Zora looked at the two swords hanging on Ethan's waist curiously but she didn't say anything.

Ethan noticed Zora's gaze, so he handed the two swords over to Zora. "I remember I promised you a gift, this is your gift."

Ethan patted Zora on the shoulder and walked over to Freya.

A beautiful smile appeared on Zora's face as she looked at Ethan's back, who was walking away.


"Hi Ethan." Freya smiled while waving Ethan.

Ethan nodded at her and then spoke seriously in his mind, 'We need to talk about what happened today.'

Freya: [what do you mean?]

'You know very well what I'm talking about, that I had the system acting weird sometimes and now you're doing the same thing again.'

Ethan still remembers how the system didn't tell him that Nami stole the ship until he noticed it was away. And now Freya did the same, she was an hour late to tell him that the ship had been stolen, even though she knew it from the beginning.

He really doesn't like this and wishes Freya would correct her behavior a bit, or at least give him a rationale for what she's doing instead of saying something meaningless like (You've been busy so I didn't tell you).

[I did it for you to meet Desire and make her into your harem.]

'There are better ways to do this, why do you need to make it so complicated.' Ethan did not understand Freya's way of thinking at all.

[Because that sounds more interesting.]

'No, you're wrong. It's just annoying and it's not interesting.' Ethan is really about to get a headache while talking to Freya.

'Please don't do this again.' Ethan looked at her seriously.


Ethan felt a little gloomy in Freya's voice when saying this.

Ethan patted her in the head, 'Don't be depressed. If you don't do it again, I will fulfill one request for you.'

[Deal] Freya said happily.

Ethan spoke this time directly, not inside his mind. "Where's Sora, wasn't she with you?"

Freya: "I gave her to Kaya to take care of her."
