141- Inside a whale's stomach

Suddenly a weird noise filled the air as they descended. It sounded like an animal wailing or crying out.

"Freya, slow down the ship." Ethan yelled.

The ship gradually began to levitate while slowing down, when they came near the whale their speed was not great and the ship began to descend slowly on the sea.

"What just happened?" The girls looked at Freya.

"From now on the ship can fly." Freya smiled.

Lucy's eyes turned to stars, "Wow, we have a ship that can fly."

After a little discussion about it, everyone looked at the whale.

It is an extremely large black whale of comparable or greater size than the Sea Kings in the Calm Belt. It has many scars across his head because it is ramming its head into the Red Line.

"That's one big whale." Alvida said, she causing everyone else to nod their head while staring at the whale in amazement and with a tiny bit of fear. It is then the whale suddenly looked at all of them with its extremely large eyes causing their eyes to widen.

Without noticing the girls, Ethan controlled the water and hit the whale, and the reason for this was that he wanted the whale to swallow the ship.

Ethan chuckled as the whale opened its mouth and sobbed loudly while showing everyone its extremely large, pointed teeth that were the same size as the Black Pearl Freya.

As he opened his mouth, water from the ocean poured into his mouth and down his throat. The Black Pearl Freya started to be drawn in by the water that had been sucked in causing everyone to panic.

"We're all going to die!" screamed Nami.

Everyone looked in front of them and saw they were about to crash into the whale's stomach and closed their eyes including Ethan.

Everyone waited and waited for their impending doom but it never came. So, they decided to open their eyes to see what was going on and what they saw practically made their jaws hang from their mouths.

"Is this real?" Sanju asked in a voice of pure disbelief.

"I don't know. I'm sure we swallowed by that whale." Hailey said while Clara nodded from behind her.

In front of everyone was a clear open sky with birds in the air, and off to the right of the Black Pearl Freya was a small island with a house on it. It beyond puzzled everyone, one minute they were being swallowed by a whale and the next they are returned to the open sea.

They all turned towards Ethan to see if he knows what was going on.

"we are not in the real ocean." he said to everyone before he walked over to the side of the ship and looked into the water.

"The water in here is green and the sky is painted on." Ethan said pointing to the sky. Before any of them could respond to what Ethan said a giant squid emerged from the green waters and was preparing to attack them.

Ethan had expected everyone to freeze up and get scared like in the anime, but instead, they were all ready to attack.

Ethan had hypothesized that they all sensed it come up and were ready. "They are much stronger than before, even Nami who was always afraid is ready to fight."

[Nami's legs are trembling and Carmen is afraid.] Ethan heard Freya's voice in his mind.

'Carmen hasn't been trained yet so she's still weak, and Nami is Nami at least she grabbed her weapon in preparation for the fight.'

Just as all of them were about of attack three harpoons came out of the house on the island and struck the squid right in the head killing it.

Zora narrowed her eyes and stared at the doorway of the house and saw a man slowly walking out from the shadows.

"Looks like someone's home." Alvida said while staring at the man with narrowed eyes.

"Should we fight him?" Desire said while pointing at the man.

"No, hold on a sec." Sanju said while keeping her guard up.

Ethan recognized the man as soon as he saw him but he didn't say anything and wanted to see if it would happen the same as in the anime or not.

They all stared at the old man as he walked out of the house never taking his eyes off of the crew while he walked over to the lawn chair.

The tension was growing and Ethan could see some of those brave hearts from earlier were starting to sweat a bit.

Everyone expecting the man to attack or something but instead, he just stared at them while he walked to the chair making all of them nervous before he plopped himself down on a lawn chair and began reading a newspaper.

"YOU GOING TO SAY SOMETHING!" Yelled Sanju at the old man.

"Hey, if you want to fight we can fight." Nami said while standing behind Nojiko causing Nojiko to sweat drop.

"Nami, don't worry. Ethan is here and he's strong."

The old man's eyes narrowed a bit as he stared at them once more causing the tension to the atmosphere once more making everyone sweat while Ethan was trying to hide his amused smile. 'It would be fun to watch this scene in real life. Freya, can you play some music and sound effects that suit this situation?'

[as you like.]

"You try it and someone's going to die." the old man said in a serious voice causing Nami to whimper a bit while Zora and Sanju narrowed their eyes and prepare for an attack with Kuina right behind them while Nami ran behind Desire, since she is the best shield on their team.

"Yeah, whose that?" Sanju asked. It was as if the old man was threatening them which made everyone wary, but what he was going to say next was no one expected.

"Me of course." the old man said causing Ethan to start laugh.

"Sorry, old man. but we don't plan to harm you, we just want to get out of this whale's stomach." Ethan let out a chuckle.

"NANI? Are we in a whale's stomach?" All the girls screamed in shock and started looking around.

"Looks like you already know you're inside the whale. Anyway, the exit is right over there," he said while pointing off to the side causing everyone to look over and see two giant metal doors.

"Okay, I am no specialist on whales, but I am sure they don't usually have giant metal doors in the side of their stomach." Kaya said. Before anyone could respond the entire place shook as though it was an earthquake causing the calm waters to become rough.