217- Make his relationship with girls closer

An hour later, Ethan and Crocodile left the room, while Crocodile had a red face and looked at Ethan with anger and shame.

Ethan walked toward the girls and sighed sadly, "I failed. She didn't agree at all."

The girls looked at Ethan in shock. No one on the crew expected his massage skills to fail.

"You were so sure you'd convince her, but look at yourself now." Misty looked at Ethan with disdain.

Ethan looked at Misty and then smiled gently, "I was just kidding, she totally agreed."

"Isn't it? Croco-chan!" Ethan patted Crocodile's back as he takes the opportunity to touch her butt when no one is paying attention, making her body tremble slightly, but she pretends nothing is happening as she takes a few steps away from Ethan.

Misty looked at Crocodile in shock, "Did he really convince you?"

"I didn't plan to rule this kingdom in the first place. As long as Ethan has offered some more useful things, I will definitely agree to leave this useless kingdom." Crocodile spoke indifferently.

"What did he give you?"

"Why should I tell you? This is none of your business."

The two of them looked at each other and it was as if sparks were flying from their eyes.

Except for Ethan's massage skills, he talks to Crocodile about whether she wants to be stronger and that he can teach her two types of Haki in one day. (Actually, he can teach her the skill in an instant because of the teacher skill.)

Crocodile agreed after knowing that she could learn Haki in one day, but he had to teach her Haki before she announced her sins to the Alabasta people.

"Crocodile, what's going on here?" At this moment, a blonde-haired young man walked towards them.

This person is the leader of the rebel army and Vivi's childhood friend, Koza.

After their success in overthrowing the kingdom, Crocodile appointed him to the army.

Koza looked around everyone and paused his eyes for a moment on Vivi, he thought she was dead so he was shocked to see her.

"I don't have time to explain to you." Crocodile looked at him coldly and was in a bad mood now. "Go and have the soldiers spread the word to make the inhabitants of Alubarna gather in front of the palace tomorrow, I have something to say."

He wanted to ask why, but upon seeing her expression, he knew she wouldn't tell him, so he walked away to carry out her orders.

After Koza left, Crocodile began to walk away, but Ethan stood in front of her, "Croco, can you tell the servants to make lunch? Tell them to make as much food as possible, about enough to feed 900 people."

"Why do I have to?" She looked at him in confusion.

"You are still the ruler of this palace so the servants are listening to you."

"No, I mean, why should I tell my servants to make a feast for my defeat?" She looked at him as if she wanted to strangle him to death.

"Apparently you don't want to learn Haki tonight." Ethan sighed, shrugging his shoulders, "Actually I already have other ways of letting the Alabasta people know your mistakes."

In fact, Ethan had another plan if she didn't agree, which was to use Kaya's illusion ability.

By illusion, the people of Alabasta will see Crocodile confessing all the sins she has committed against the Alabasta Kingdom.

After thinking for a moment, she agreed to tell the servants to prepare the food "Okay, but why would you want food for 900 people?"

"It's our lunch, actually, that's hardly enough for me and Lucy, so can you tell them to make more?"



During lunch, Ethan took the opportunity to talk to Vivi's mother and try to bring their relationship closer.

After lunch, Titi suggests Ethan and the girls go baths.

Ethan and his crew agreed while Misty and the other girls felt hesitant when they remembered what happened yesterday.

Seeing this, Vivi assures them that the baths for men are separate from those for women.

But Sanju objects and tells them that she will not go if Ethan does not go with them.

After a heated discussion, the girls agreed that Ethan would go with them, but only on the condition that he would not do anything, and Ethan agreed.

As promised to Ethan, he didn't do anything but didn't stop him from looking. Titi, who is bathing with a man for the first time in a long time, feels shy and uses the rest of the girls as shields to hide herself from Ethan's sight.

Robin didn't even feel ashamed when Ethan looked at her body and continued to soak her body in the water.

After a while, Ethan got bored and started playing with his daughter in the water, which made her happy because her father decided to play with her.

After they finished washing themselves, everyone got out of the baths.

Titi walks up to Ethan and asks him about Sora who is sitting on his shoulder and he tells her she is his daughter.

Because of this, Ethan was able to open up a good topic to talk to her and bring their relationship closer.

Ethan asked about Vivi and what she was doing when she was younger, and Titi was happy to talk about it.

Vivi who heard her mother talking about her dark past got upset and wanted to make her stop but her mother didn't care and kept talking while Ethan and Sora listen attentively.

At the end, the rest of the girls gathered and started talking about their past, and even Sora wanted to participate and she talk about what happened in her whole life.

Some girls didn't like to talk about their past like Sanju, but no one forced her to tell them anything and she just stood up and listened.

After that, Ethan wanted to take the girls and Titi out of the palace, but Titi was still considered a captive, so they made her sneak outside in disguise.

Ethan is having a good time talking with Titi and Nico Robin who accompanied them while the rest of the girls are enjoying buying clothes for themselves and Sora.

Nico Robin is still trying to get Titi to tell her about the location of the Poneglyph, but Titi still refuses to talk about it.

Ethan compliments the girls and tells them that all the clothes look good on them, in fact they are the ones who make the clothes look good. Especially Sora, anything she wears looks so cute on her.

The girls also bought Chopper clothes because she always wears the same clothes.

After enjoying their time, everyone returned to the palace. But at least Ethan made his relationship with Titi, Nico Robin, Misty, Hina and the rest of the girls really close. Especially he tried to improve his relationship with Hina and Misty.


Crocodile was waiting for them at the mansion, and as soon as she saw Ethan she looked at him with annoyance, "It's already night. Didn't you say you were going to teach me Haki? Then why did you spend so much time shopping?"

"Don't worry, I'll teach you Haki for sure tonight." Ethan looked at her seriously, "Let's go to your room for this, and tell the servants not to come and disturb us in the meantime."

'Why is he teaching me in my room?' Shouldn't he teach me at the training ground?' Crocodile felt something strange, but she agreed and went to tell the servants that no one should come near his room or try to disturb her tonight.


Crocodile walked into her room while Ethan walked behind her and then as soon as he entered he locked the door.

"What are you doing?" Upon seeing Ethan's eyes, a shiver spread across Crocodile's body.

"I'm just making sure no one bothers us while I teach you Haki." Ethan let out a chuckle as he walked towards her.

"So how are you going to teach me Haki?" She really wants to learn Haki in order to be more powerful.

Ethan stood in front of her as he wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her, then whispered in her ear, "I'm going to teach you haki through sex."