236- TV

'Thank God, she appears to be fine.' After he finished reading the newspaper, Ethan knew that the fight had ended in a draw. 'But Blackbeard who was an unknown pirate became a Shichibukai because of this battle.'

But Ethan is really shocked that the battle took place on the Jaya island and also that Donquixote Doflamingo got involved in this fight. 'I destroyed one of his plans earlier, so we can already be considered enemies.'

Ethan put the newspaper aside, looked at Lucy, who was still asleep, and took her straw hat, and pulled out a white piece of paper from the red tape on the hat.

Seeing Acelynn's Vivre Card unburned, this made Ethan sigh in relief, "She's fine at the moment."

Ethan puts the Vivre Card back into the Straw Hat and then hands the hat to Lucy, who has just woken up and looks hungry.

"Breakfast is ready." Carmen entered the tent and started to wake up the girls.

Then everyone ate their breakfast together.

After Ethan felt full, he looked at Nami, "Has log pose reset?"

"Yes, it has been reset." Ethan nodded, and since all the girls and his daughter had already eaten their breakfast, he instructed them to return to the ship in order to continue their journey.


After two days.

Ethan was currently in the training room with a large rectangular metal in front of him.

Ethan put both hands at his waist in a karate-like stance. He took a deep breath and then punched the metal rectangle.

When Ethan punched the metal, the metal didn't move an inch out of place, but Ethan's arm pierced the metal.

The metal was not damaged except for the area that Ethan punched.

Ethan created a technique that would enable him to concentrate his attack power in one area, and that area would be the only one that would receive damage.

For example, if Ethan punches this metal naturally without using this technique, the damage will be distributed over the entire metal and it will be destroyed into small pieces, but when Ethan uses this technique he can destroy the area he punched without affecting the rest of the metal.

He multiply the damage by concentrating it in one area rather than being distributed.

After a while the metal that was destroyed returned to its previous form as if everything that happened before was just a dream. This is one of the advantages of the training room.

"Finally I was able to do the first step of this technique." A big smile appeared on Ethan's face, the second step of this technique was intended for use against people with giant bodies.

The first step will not cause much damage to the giants because it is considered a penetrating attack and the damage area is small.

The second step is after punching and penetrating the body, Ethan will detonate energy inside the body of the enemy, and this energy will spread in his body from the inside, causing severe damage to the internal organs, which leads to the death of the enemy.

Ethan continued to train until Freya appeared beside him, "Ethan check the stats of the aquarium."

He didn't understand what Freya meant but he did what she said and opened the aquarium stats, in the stats it can be seen that there are thousands of sea kings and millions of fish of different kinds and even Laboon is mentioned in it but Ethan noticed that there is Den Den mushi and also a human.


Freya smiled, "fishing range just caught this."

Ethan quickly pulled this human and Den Den mushi out of the aquarium.

Immediately after that in the training room a very big Den Den Mushi appeared that has tentacles.

But sometime later someone come out from the shell. He introduced himself and he's actually a salesman.

The salesman , Rice - Rice , start to offer his product like a bad salesman.

But Ethan did not buy anything from him because as soon as this person knew that he was on a pirate ship and noticing the appearance of Ethan, he fled to sea with Den Den Mushi, but he forgot to take his goods that he wanted to sell.

Ethan disabled the fishing range so that the ship wouldn't catch this idiot again.


after a day.

Ethan decided that today is a day of rest and prevents everyone from training on this day, that training without rest will affect the results, so the body and mind need to rest in order to obtain better results.

Unfortunately, they cannot do much on this day of rest because it is raining heavily.

Lucy that didn't have anything to do at all become bored.

So she asks Ethan to have sex, but Ethan refuses because it's a day off, but he really doesn't want his relationship with the crew to focus on sex only.

Lucy became dejected and ask Robin about the book she read and take it, she want to read it so the crew become very surprised.

Makino almost cried with happiness upon seeing Lucy quietly reading the book for an hour, but she didn't know that Lucy was sleeping while her eyes were open on the book.

Ethan was sitting with his daughter teaching her about letters and numbers, and the amazing thing is that his daughter learns very quickly and within an hour she learned all the letters and numbers.

Ethan doesn't know if it's because of his talent for teaching and his teacher skill, or if his daughter is a genius.

Then he noticed that Lucy was just holding the book and hadn't turned to the next page in a long time, so he went near her and looked at what she was reading.

The corner of his mouth trembled when he saw that the book was upside down and when he focused well he noticed that Lucy was sleeping with her eyes open, 'How could she have done that?'

'Can Lucy read at all? I don't think Garp will teach her to read because all he cares about is making her stronger.' Ethan planned to teach Lucy that if she didn't know.

Ethan took the book and woke Lucy and then looked at the other girls.

Some girls seem bored, but some are not.

Robin reads her book quietly as usual, but Ethan thinks she enjoys it because since she got on his ship he has made her practice more than he makes her read fewer books every day. So she is enjoying that she is holding her book for a long time.

Nami was reading a book that Ethan got from Lottery Spin, this book about sea weather and islands in the Grand Line (Paradise and the New World).

Kaya was talking to Chopper about medicine and Clara was sewing some clothes for the crew and she seemed to be having fun and the rest of the girls were bored because they had no hobbies.

Zora and Sanju are quarreling for a trivial reason again while Croco just sits away and looks at everyone coldly and because of her looks, she becomes the third party to take part in the battle between Sanju and Zora.

Then Ethan quickly stops them while telling them not to fight in the living room.

Ethan sighed and then thought of something that could make everyone have fun.

Ethan bought two thing from the system and then asked Freya to add one in the living room and one in the captain's cabin.

"Ethan, what is this thing?" Lucy pointed to a giant black rectangular object that has appeared in the room out of nowhere.

All the girls and his daughter were curious and even the tigress who had a high intelligence for an animal got curious.

"It's called a TV." Ethan told everyone to sit relatively far away from the TV, so they did.

'Freya, show the first episode of the first season of My Little Pony.' Ethan made Sora sit on his lap and then told everyone to pay attention to the screen in front of them.

Seeing the TV lit up, the girls were surprised and started to chat but Ethan asked them not to talk.

The episode begins and A narrator describes two royal sisters who ruled over the magical land of Equestria. The older sister used her powers to raise the sun, while the younger sister brought out the moon at night. The younger sister became resentful because the ponies of Equestria relished daytime but slept at night. One night, she refused to lower the moon. She transformed into Nightmare Moon, a "wicked mare of darkness," and vowed to shroud Equestria in eternal night. Her sister used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon, and took on responsibility for both sun and moon. The narrator's voice changes to that of Twilight Sparkle, who reads that harmony has been maintained in Equestria ever since.

they didn't know who spoke or where the voice came from, but the sound was in harmony with the pictures shown on TV.

The girls were very focused on the narrator's words and opened their eyes in shock upon hearing what happened between the two sisters.

The girls start talking again and start asking Ethan what's going on.

But he only told them that they should postpone their talk and questions until the end of the episode.

Sora and Lucy never take their eyes off the TV and see how Twilight Sparkle is supervising the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville and making friends.

In the town hall, Mayor Mare announces the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration, but Princess Celestia is absent. Nightmare Moon steps out of a glowing blue fog and addresses the cowering ponies: "Am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Rainbow Dash tries to fly towards Nightmare Moon, but Applejack pulls her back. Pinkie tries to guess Nightmare Moon's name, but Applejack shoves a cupcake in her mouth to stop her from doing so. Twilight declares that the dark Alicorn is the Mare in the Moon— Nightmare Moon. Impressed, Nightmare Moon asks Twilight if she also knows why she's here, but Twilight is too terrified to answer. Nightmare Moon proclaims that the night will last forever, and cackles as a thunderstorm builds up around her, with Twilight looking on in disbelief and fear.

At this point the first episode ended.

"I will go save them." Lucy ran quickly to the TV, but Ethan grabbed her by the back of her collar and prevented her from going and smashing the TV.

"Daddy, please save Twilight!" Sora starts pulling Ethan's hand as she tries to take him to the TV, thinking she can get there through it.

Chopper started crying while she trembling in fear, "Scary! Scary! Does this mean there is no sun anymore? Are we going to live in darkness from now on?"

Kaya looked at this seriously, "This will cause most of the plants in the world to die, which will cause the animals to be scarce, and there will not be enough food in the world, and there will be famine and wars everywhere."

Most of the girls got scared especially Nami who hugged Chopper tightly while they both shivered in fear.

"We have to stop her before she does this." Zora looked at the turned off TV seriously.

"Do we have enough strength to defeat someone who can cover the world with eternal darkness." Robin spoke in a frightened tone, which made the frightened girls even more frightened.

The girls start talking seriously about what to do as Lucy tries to break free from Ethan's hand to go to TV.

Ethan listened to the girls' serious discussion as the corner of his lips trembled.

"Ethan, what should we do?" Makino asks Ethan seriously, causing all the girls to look at him.

'How the hell am I going to tell them it's just a cartoon and it's unreal.' Ethan thought as he looked at their serious and frightened faces,

'But since the world of One Piece exists, does the world of ponies also exist?' Thinking about this, he shook his head to push those thoughts away and then started explaining to the girls that this was just a story.

The girls were not convinced because it was something they had never heard of, and also when Ethan told them it was just a cartoon they couldn't believe it because they saw how the ponies moved before their eyes.

But after a while the girls believed Ethan and they wanted to watch the second episode, but he told them that they would watch one episode a day.