257- Sky Island

After a few days.

Ethan looked at a giant cloud in the sky and a smile appeared on his face, "Above this cloud is the Sky Island."

"Your system is really useful, you can move freely to any place you want thanks to the system map." Emma looked at Ethan with envy, "My system doesn't have that advantage."

"I admit, it is very useful." Ethan smiled while flying vertically upwards.

When he arrived in the clouds, Ethan created a transparent spherical barrier around them using magic.

After that, Ethan continued to fly inside the clouds, and after a while he got out of it and was able to see a thick layer of clouds above him, which is the white sea of ​​the Sky Island.

Ethan continued to fly and entered the sea, but the sea did not affect him because of the barrier he had made, and after some time he got out of the sea.

Ethan did not stop flying until he reached Angel Island.

"Hmm, there is a fight going on at Upper Yard." Using Observation Haki, Ethan was able to sense a large group of people fighting among themselves.

Emma: "Did you just notice this?"

"What do you mean?" He looked at her in confusion.

"I noticed that just before we got to Sky Island." Emma is very skilled at using Observation Haki so even before they reach Sky Island she can sense the battle taking place.

Ethan: "...."

"Stop bragging about your Observation Haki." Ethan rolled his eyes.

"So are you going to interfere in the fight?" She asked curiously.

"No, the fight is just beginning." Ethan smiled and his eyes twinkled, "Let's wait a few hours until we find the right opportunity to intervene."

"Isn't it a good man to help people? Aren't you supposed to go and help them?" Emma let out a chuckle, "Or maybe you're a bad man."

"I am not a bad man and at the same time I am not a good man." Ethan laughed, "I just do what gives me the most benefit."

"So you are a bad man."

Ethan: "...."

"Ethan, let's go to town on Angel Island instead of waiting here." Emma wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him.

"Okay, let's go buy some dials I've always been curious about since my previous life." Ethan agreed to go with Emma to town.

"How do you plan to buy when you don't have the money?" Emma looked at Ethan sarcastically.

"We can just watch and we don't need to buy anything." Ethan laughed lightly as he flew toward the coast and then lowered Emma.

Ethan looked toward the Upper Yard while thinking. 'I'll have them give it to us for free later.'

After that, Ethan and Emma walked while looking around in admiration, after all everything on this island was white and beautiful.

"Ethan, how do you think this island is where we're going on our honeymoon?" Emma grabbed Ethan's hand and there was a happy smile on her face.

A wry smile appeared on Ethan's face, "We just had our honeymoon on the deserted island and it was really fun."

"It can't be considered a honeymoon and we're not married yet." Emma pointed to Ethan's nose with her index finger while saying seriously "I want a romantic honeymoon."

"Okay, Okay, as you wish." Ethan sighed and it seemed that Emma could not consider herself his wife until they had a wedding party as in his previous life.

After a while of walking they reached a main street and they could see a painting made of clouds that read Lovely Street.

Lovely Street is a rather well-known and well-traveled part of Angel Island. It is the main marketplace. The road has many shops, and is a sort of Skypiean main street. Shops of all kinds line the road of Lovely Street, including many Dial and food shops.

The people of Skypea looked at Ethan and Emma and noticed that they did not have wings, so they knew that they were from the Blue Sea, although it is a rare thing to see Blue Sea people, but everyone knows about them.

Several vendors started offering their products to Ethan and Emma and the two were enjoying seeing the products but they didn't buy anything.

Although Ethan and Emma don't have money, they bargain sharply on every item that is offered to them as if they want to buy it and in the end refuse to buy on the grounds that the price is too high.

After a while, these vendors discovered that Ethan and Emma had no money, which made these vendors walk away in a bad mood, and this made Emma and Ethan laugh out loud, enjoying the expressions on these people's faces.

After a while enjoying their time and wandering around town, the two decided it was time to go to the Upper Yard in order to finish the fight, get the gold, and leave.

Within moments, the two of them reached the Upper Yard.

"Fabulous!" Emma looked at the very giant trees.

Emma averted her eyes from the giant trees and looked at Ethan, "So what's your plan?"

"I have been planning to make them fight each other for a little while longer and when they are exhausted one of us will appear to stop the fighting while the other will go to the giant bell and ring the bell." Ethan gave Emma a friendly smile.

In the traditions of the island of the Sky Island people, if the sound of giant bells sings is heard, this means the cessation of war and the establishment of peace.

Ethan wants to use this to make one of them look like the person chosen by God to stop the war and bring peace.

Although the ruler of Sky Island calls himself a god, he is not a real God after all and it is just a title.

"Ethan is a really bad guy."

Ethan looked at her beautiful smile and then let out a sigh, "I plan to appear in front of them while you are going to ring the bell."

"As you wish, bad man." She let out a chuckle, "Also, I'm the only one among us who can choose the right time to ring the bell."

Using Observation Haki to follow the fight and the appearance of Ethan, she can ring the bell in perfect timing and without any errors.

Emma gladly agreed to Ethan's plan because if the plan succeeds, her lover can make Sky Island a part of his territory.


In a certain area of ​​the Upper Yard there was a great battle between two tribes that was about to end soon.

Many Shandia and Sky Island people fell to the ground with their bodies full of wounds and some of them were dead but most of them are still alive with serious or minor wounds.

"Zuma, get out of the Upper Yard." The ruler of Sky Island shouted as a spear stabbed toward the middle-aged man.

"Stop saying nonsense, the Upper Yard is our home and you stole it from us." Zuma grabbed the spear before it reached his chest, but the spear shot a flame from the front and hit Zuma's chest.

Zuma is the leader of the Shandia people and as soon as he falls to the ground the morale of the Shandia soldiers drops and the people of Sky Island begin to gain the upper hand in the battle.

The current ruler of Sky Island stepped on Zuma's scorched chest and pointed his spear toward his throat, "Zuma surrender and I will spare your life."

"Never!" Zuma looked at the ruler with hatred and anger.

"You are the one who chose death, don't blame me for this." The ruler grabbed his spear tightly and stabbed toward Zuma's throat.

At this time someone appeared beside the ruler and grabbed the spear before it pierced Zuma's throat.

"Who are you?" The ruler looked at Ethan in annoyance and noticed that Ethan had no wings.

"You can call me Arthur." Ethan smiled as he broke the spear. "I think it's best that you end this fight here, no more loss of life is needed."

"It's none of your business, people of the Blue Sea, so step aside." The ruler retreated a few meters away from Ethan and then signaled to a twelve-year-old boy, "Gan Fall, give me my spare spear."

'Gan Fall?' Ethan looked at the twelve-year-old boy obediently bringing a new spear to the ruler, 'He is the future ruler of Sky Island.'

"Gan Fall, retreat to a safe place." After taking the spear, the ruler ordered the boy to retreat, then looked at Ethan, "Get out of the way or I will kill you with Zuma."

"You can't make a single scratch on my body let alone kill me." Ethan disappeared and then appeared in front of the ruler and broke the hand he used to hold the spear and then looked at the people fighting, "This battle is over."

Ethan sighed as he looked around and saw that everyone was still fighting.

"I SAID THIS BATTLE IS OVER!!!" After saying that, a strong aura came out of Ethan's body, and moments later, the Shandia and Sky Island people fell one by one, and at the same time the ground started cracking and shaking as if there was a slight earthquake and also some trees nearby started to make a loud creaking sound and it was as if they would fall at any moment

Ethan did not target all the fighters with Conqueror Haki so some of them did not lose consciousness and looked at him in fear and Zuma and the ruler were among the people who were not targeted by Ethan with his Conqueror Haki so they did not lose consciousness either.

Even though they weren't targeted by Ethan's Conqueror Haki, they fell to the ground trembling in fear, feeling that his powerful aura would crush them.

"LISTEN TO ME, THERE ARE NO MORE BATTLES." Ethan looked at everyone, "Shandia and Sky Island people everyone can live in the Upper Yard. It's a very big land and it can house everyone, so there's no need to fight."

"In order to make sure the wars stop from today onwards, you all will be under my rule." At this moment, everyone heard a beautiful sound of a bell that spread across the entire island.


●Author: I don't currently have an image of Emma but tomorrow I will look for a picture similar to her description.