341- Prisoner Escape

Ethan returns to where the girls are and sees that his wives get on well with Emma and Toki.

Ethan tells the girls about the City of Gold and about the presence of two Poneglyphs there.

Nami almost drooled just hearing the gold, and she quickly approached Ethan and wanted to go and see the city of gold quickly.

While Nami is interested in gold, Robin is curious about the Poneglyph.

"Two Poneglyphs?" She knows there is a Poneglyph on Sky Island since Ethan told her about it, but she doesn't know that there are two Poneglyphs.

"Yes, but one of them is useless, and the second talks about one of the three ancient weapons." Ethan explained to her what was written, "But you must read it yourself."

"Okay, I'll read it myself." Robin nodded.

After a while, Sora and Emily came back and went to Ethan together.

Emily looked at the floor while clutching her dress tightly and didn't dare to look at her father, "I'm sorry!"

Ethan smiled and hugged his daughter and kissed her on the forehead "I accept your apology."

After Emily finished apologizing, Sora hugged her father's leg, "Daddy, can you let Sora and Emily watch TV?"

Ethan: "Hmm… you can't watch TV now."

Sora looked at her father sadly. "Why?"

"Because the TV is inside the ship. And you know Freya made the ship smaller." Every time they land on an island, Freya will make the ship smaller and take it with them.

Seeing both of his daughters become frustrated he decides to cheer them up, "At night I will make Freya take out a TV and put it in the palace for us all to watch together, but now we are going to the City of Gold."

Upon hearing of the City of Gold, Sora became excited and agreed to go.

Emily frowned because she really wanted to know what TV was but seeing Sora excited to see the City of Gold decided not to be so selfish as she did earlier.

She took Sora's hand and smiled, "Sora, there are many good places to play in the City of Gold, let me show you."


They reached the city of gold quickly because it was not far from the palace.

"Wow!" Everyone was amazed and delighted to see the City of Gold

Ethan enjoyed watching their reaction when they saw the City of Gold. Shock, excitement, enthusiasm, and greed varied in reactions, but they were all fun, and Ethan decided to take pictures of their reactions.

"All buildings are made of gold!" Nami was the most excited and delighted person to see this and greed was evident in her eyes, "Ethan, it's all yours right so I can take whatever I want."

"You can take as much gold as you want, but don't overdo it." As soon as Ethan gave her approval, Nami moved at an incredible speed and disappeared from her place.

After Nami's departure, Ethan takes them to Central City, where the Shandorian Golden Belfry is located.

Everyone was dazzled upon seeing the Golden Belfry.

"it is very beautiful!" Sora's eyes sparkled.

"Yes it is." Emily nodded. She had the same reaction when she saw the Golden Belfry for the first time.

While everyone was excited about the Golden Belfry, Robin walked over to the Poneglyph and read it.

Then she noticed the message that Roger had left, which made her surprised.

Ethan: "Lucy, look at this!"

Lucy was about to ring the Golden Belfry when she heard Ethan call her so she stopped what she was doing and went to Ethan.

Ethan points to the message Roger left, making Lucy puzzled, "What is that thing?"

Ethan read for her. "I hereby guide this document to its end! Gol D. Roger."

"Gol D. Roger? You mean Gold Roger?" Lucy became very excited when she found out that the Pirate King was here in the past.

After Robin finished reading the Poneglyph she looked at Ethan, "Where is the other one?"

But before he could lead it to the second poneglyph, the ground beneath them started to shake as they heard a loud sound of thunder.

The sound of thunder continued to appear in succession, and the earthquakes continued.

"what is happening?" The girls looked around in confusion.

Sanju looked at the sky. "The sky is clear, so where does the thunder come from?"

Zora frowned, "That's not thunder! Thunder can't make an entire island shake."

"It is possible that the island will fall from the sky." Robin said it in a way that made her look intimidating.

Nami, who ran back to the group, turned pale upon hearing what Robin said. "Don't say such a scary thing!"

Sora and Emily looked at each other and then quickly went over to their dad and hugged his legs from both sides.

Ethan patted their heads and smiled, "It's okay. Don't be afraid."

Gan Fall quickly appeared with his pink spotted bird, "Kami-sama, I apologize for causing the inconvenience, one of our prisoners has escaped again."

Alvida asks. "Prisoner?"

"According to Kami-sami teachings, any hostile person who enters Skypeia will be killed except for Devil Fruit users. Devil Fruit users will be imprisoned." Ethan's goal was for him to kill the Devil Fruit users himself in order to obtain the Devil Fruit.

"Many years ago this person destroyed one of the Sky Islands and then came to Skypeia to try to rule it." Gan Fall sighed as he started to talk about the person causing the mess right now., "In the first fight, I could defeat this person very easily because they only relied on the power of the Devil Fruit and Mantra."

"We killed all the intruders and captured the Devil Fruit user. But they kept running away whenever they got the chance and every time that person got stronger."

"If they were causing so much trouble, you should have just killed them." Croco felt that Gan Fall was foolish not to kill such a big threat.

"We do what Kami-sama commands. If Kami-sama doesn't command us to kill them, we won't..." Gan Fall's words were interrupted as he was attacked by surprise.

"El Thor!!"

A large cluster of electricity appeared above him and then crashed towards him as a massive column.

Although Gan Fall sensed the attack earlier thanks to Observation Haki, the attack speed was very high.

A deep crater was left in the ground by this attack.

Ethan and all the girls looked up at the sky where the person who had issued the attack had appeared.

Floating in the sky was a pale-skinned woman with a fairly good physique and tall height of 266cm. She has a slim face, and she looks annoyed when she looks at Gan Fall.

She has long platinum blonde hair that reaches down to the middle of her back.

Upon her back, stuck centrally into her shoulder blades, is a large gray ring and attached to it four wooden shime-daiko drums set next to and above her head, each with cream-colored drum skin depicting a black mitsudomoe on the front and back.

She wears a white skullcap and buff clothing, probably the clothes of prisoners.