Chapter 1

Full moon night-

A woman was walking on the road, her footsteps were steady but her eyes were lifeless. She reached a house, opened the door and walked into the house. she stripped her dress as she goes and took a bath with cold water. There were scratches around her body, her abdomen was toned with muscles and after bath she turn on the TV as the news was about a murder case. When she heard the news there was no change on her expression.

She turned her face as she observed a photo where two kind-looking middle-aged couple holding a cheerful little girl. A faint smile with sadness on her face, she fell on the bed as she was looking at the ceiling.

"What should I do now.."

There was pain in her heart but she can't let it out closing her eyes, remembering every joy event with her friend made her eyes wet.

"Should I die myself… I lost hope without her"

'Hmm what happening… oh finally my death haha' Her mind went blank; she knows this feeling very well. It was her death with a single drop of tear, she happily accepted her death.

Next day headlines news was about a woman death.


Construction building site at top floor to the second one, a black suit person standing as he was looking outside while his hands in his pockets. Then a portal formed a beautiful woman came out of it, she walked towards him and stand beside him.

"So, it's over and are you sure about this"

"Yeah I am" said the man in black suit.

"Never thought you the God of Death have mercy to a soul"

"What are you talking I have no mercy to anyone but I will stand on my words and of course this matter cuz of a promise I have made, I've fulfilled it now"

"Anyway, are you perhaps tell him about this and I don't think he will allow it"

"It's ok I will handle it and thanks for everything you had this one and I will help when you are in problem"

"Hehe ok"

"Wait don't even think about that I will do everything that you said"

"You liar humph"

"Then until next time" said his height change to 10 feet, a dark portal which has a black door. He went into it as he vanished. Later she also vanished into her portal.


Heaven Dou City outcasts-

A small village, in front of it there were some farm lands and farmers were cultivating the lands. In corner of the village, a small house situated a 6 years boy was sleeping in a bed, opened his eyes slowly and yawned.

"Huh today is spirit awakening ceremony I can't wait to know my soul is" said Milan. He got up from the bed and fresh up. It's been 3 months after her death, she reincarnated as a boy at first it become difficult to adapt as a male but later she was able to adapted.

"Milan come here" said an old man.


"Don't forget, today is spirit awakening ceremony"

"Nah, I didn't forget about it"

"Haha great then let's go"

They both came to the ceremony place; many parents were with their children came for spirit awakening. In their sight they notice a person was standing and he has an impatient behavior.

"So, everyone has come then let start the ceremony"

"Children go one by one for ceremony and don't fear" said the old man. Milan stood last of the line and observe the ceremony quietly.

"My name is Lu Qian from Spirit Hall and I will help you to awaken your spirits, now come and stand in that spirit circle" said Lu Qian as a girl came forward and stand in the center of spirit circle.

"Spirt awaken" shouted Lu Qian as he transformed into a tiger form. The whole circle shined brightly and a blue sliver grass appeared on her right hand. Lu Qian disappointed while observing her spirit.

He shook his head said, "Blue sliver grass Lv-1 a waste one, you go and next child come quickly"

After her remaining children awaken their spirits one by one but there were no good spirits. Lu Qian disappointment became more.

"You are the last come and stand here"

Milan nodded his head and stood in the spirit circle. Suddenly he came to an unknown place, it was a grass lands a warm wind blowing and in his vison a woman sited under the tree. He smiled and move towards her.

"Yo, you look well" said Milan. She turned her head and glimpse at him with a faint smile.

"Yep somewhat, and mainly you look attractive in male big sister"

"Haha well it's happened like that dear" said Milan with a depressing face. She also laughed by his words.

"So, thank you for everything"

"You, forget about those subpar matters by the way are you going to reincarnate" said Milan while sited besides her, watching the greenery.

"Nah, I decided not to reincarnate cuz I don't want to"

The words made Milan expression down for a second. Immediately recover from it and talk with her about some matters, now the time has come to end. Atmosphere became silence, there were no words coming from their mouth.

"So.. bye I mean, I am happy for being able to share your experience and…. And of course, I miss you but don't forgot me haha..."

"You know big sis when I lost everything, you give me light and it's dark outside I know if reincarnate I would lose my memories and have a life but I can't cuz I've lost my patience so I decided to give myself to you"

Milan expression changed dramatically by her words.

"Olivia what are you taking? Are you out of your mind?"

"Nah, thank you so much"

She smiled wholeheartedly; her body shined brightly as she torn apart by small light particles fled into Milan. He opened his eyes and saw two knifes spirits that were floating in front of him.

"Two Knifes uh.. well check your soul level"

Milan touched the crystal ball, it only shined lightly by showing level 7 and Lu Quian felt happy for finally someone has a better spirit.

"Not bad level 7 does you have interest in joining in Hall of the Spirit"

"No, I don't for now"

"Ah ok as you wish"


After Spirit awaken he directly went to his house and fell in his bed.

"You idiot…. You got a chance to live again but why… why"

he bit his lower lip covering his face with his hand. After some time, he controlled his emotions, released his spirit and after careful observation he understood his spirit.

"So, this spirit was from Olivia and my second spirit was.."