Chapter 8 (September in Minnesota)

Chapter 8: September in Minnesota

Ethan Warren

September 2nd, 2022

105 days after outbreak


Season 1


We've been on the road for so long now; we've gone everywhere in this state, and all the stores were either empty or full of the dead. We were becoming hopeless but were too afraid to leave Minnesota. We were just kids, after all. Most of us were just learning how to drive. We relied on each other for support and survival, forming a tight-knit group that became our makeshift family. Occasionally, we would discover hidden pockets of supplies and resources, giving us a glimmer of hope amidst the desolation. However, the constant threat of the dead lurking around every corner reminded us that our journey was far from over.

The autumn wind clinged to our backs as we walked the empty highway in search of a new car. We've gone through so many cars in the past few months. Normally we'd just be out of gas and a station would be nearby, but not this time. Amy crashed as she was trying to avoid some of the dead ones on the road. We were injured and cold. We huddled together, shivering from both the chill in the air and the fear that enveloped us. The glimmer of hope we had felt earlier seemed distant now, overshadowed by the harsh reality of our situation. As we struggled to find a way to continue our journey, we couldn't help but wonder if we would ever find safety and warmth again.

Rudolph was bleeding from his head. He promised he was fine, but I could tell he was miserable. Dallen's leg was broken; Edin and Aiden helped him walk, at least until we found something to stabilize him. Amy felt bad, but it wasn't her fault. We knew that accidents happened, especially in such treacherous conditions. Despite the setbacks, we remained determined to support and care for one another as we searched for a solution to our predicament. We couldn't afford to dwell on blame; instead, we focused on finding a way to mend our injuries and push forward towards safety.

I wondered where Addie was. I was worried about my little sister, as much as I hated to admit it. I knew she could probably handle herself, but I still worried. I hoped that she had found shelter or was with someone who could keep her safe. The thought of her being alone in this dangerous situation made my heart ache.

Over the course of our time on the road, Aaron and Amy both celebrated their birthdays the same way Aiden celebrated his 18th. No cake, no presents—just surrounded by their new family. It made us all feel a sense of relief. Just the way we were somewhat connected to "normal". For Aaron's 17th birthday, July 27th, we had the best raccoon of our lives, courtesy of "Chef" Dallen Farmswarn. Aiden also found four bottles of vodka. I swear, we slept for a week afterwards. The celebration brought a much-needed break from the constant hardships and dangers we faced on our journey. It was a brief moment of happiness and camaraderie that reminded us of our shared humanity and the importance of finding joy amidst chaos.

And for Amy's 16th birthday, July 7th, we took the dangerous trip into Minneapolis to Minnehaha Falls. There were a lot of dead in the city, but it was worth it; the waterfall was truly a sight to behold.

I knew I'd never see my parents again because I saw their walking, lifeless bodies in the city. I can't let myself think too hard about it; it only slows me down. I was an orphan, and we were all orphans in one way or another.

As we made our way further down the road, surrounded by small, abandoned houses and deserted stores, we ignored the dead ones that flung themselves towards us. Occasionally, Leah and Khai would kill a few, but only if it was necessary. We were all just too tired.

We saw some cars at a gas station, and Khai ran towards a shiny gray one and broke the door open with her new weapon of choice, a lead pipe. The glass shattered, and she opened the door with ease. Aiden had taught Khai how to hot wire; none of us had the motivation to learn yet. She started the car after we waited for a few minutes. She smiled as she saw that the tank was practically full. Edin and I exchanged relieved glances, knowing that finding a car with a full tank was a stroke of luck. With Khai at the wheel, we finally had a chance to escape the desolate town and continue our journey to safety.

"This is a ghost town," Rudolph pointed out. He was right; we had only seen a few of the dead, and the stores looked full. The eerie silence and lack of any signs of life confirmed Rudolph's observation. It was as if time had stood still in this abandoned town, frozen in a state of desolation.

"That's weird," I said, confused.

"We should live here," Edin said with excitement. She was onto something; this would be a good place to live. We had supplies, a car, and weapons. Now all we needed was a roof over our heads.

"Get in," Khai said. "Dallen doesn't look too good." She was right; he looked terrible. He was worn out and in agonizing pain. As we hurriedly made our way towards the car, Dallen's condition seemed to worsen with each step. His face was pale, and his breathing was labored. It was clear that he needed immediate medical attention. We got him into the car, and we started to drive in search of a more permanent home.